Virtually Vienna - Live virtual tour in Vienna

5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Virtually Vienna - Live virtual tour in Vienna

Address :

Herzogbergstraße 6, 2380 Perchtoldsdorf, Austria

Phone : 📞 +89
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City : Perchtoldsdorf

Herzogbergstraße 6, 2380 Perchtoldsdorf, Austria
Michael Zehetner on Google

Verena war unser City-Guide mit kompetentem Wissen, viel Charme, Humor und Liebe für die Stadt und ihre Bewohner! Absolute Empfehlung und bald wieder! Danke!
Verena was our city guide with competent knowledge, lots of charm, humor and love for the city and its residents! Absolute recommendation and soon again! Thanks!
Yvonne Heuberger on Google

Ich war der Guide bei einer Tour mit 20 österreichischen Gästen. Das Feedback war großartig! Trotz widriger Außenbedingungen hat alles gut geklappt und die Gäste waren sehr angetan von der Eindrücken der leergefegten Stadt. Wien ist in einem harten Lockdown und es ist die einzige Möglichkeit, Gästen die Pracht der Altstadt näher zu bringen!
I was the guide on a tour with 20 Austrian guests. The feedback was great! Despite the adverse external conditions, everything went well and the guests were very impressed by the impressions of the empty city. Vienna is in a tough lockdown and it is the only way to bring guests closer to the splendor of the old town!
margherita carpi on Google

Abbiamo fatto il tour con Verena. È stato bellissimo sembrava di essere lì con lei e abbiamo visto parti di Vienna che non conoscevamo per niente. Non vedo l'ora di fare anche gli altri tour e curare cosi un pochino la nostalgia. GRAZIE
We took the tour with Verena. It was beautiful it seemed to be there with her and we saw parts of Vienna that we didn't know at all. I can't wait to do the other tours as well and treat the nostalgia a little bit. THANK YOU
Dennis Willemsen on Google

We hebben met het hele gezin een tour door Wenen gehad en het was fantastisch. Het beeld en geluid waren supergoed en onze gids wist heel erg veel van Wenen. Via de chat kon je hem vragen stellen en ook verzoekjes indienen, bijvoorbeeld om een gebouw in te gaan. Het mooie was dat hij daar dan ook meteen weer wat over kon vertellen. Dit is zeker een aanrader nu in Coronatijd maar zeker ook daarna. Dit was in ieder geval niet onze laatste tour door Wenen.
We did a tour of Vienna with the whole family and it was fantastic. The images and sound were great and our guide knew a lot about Vienna. Via the chat you could ask him questions and also submit requests, for example to enter a building. The great thing was that he could immediately tell you something about it. This is definitely recommended now in Corona time but also afterwards. In any case, this was not our last tour of Vienna.
Federica Termenini on Google

È un'ottima occasione per visitare Vienna dal "vivo". Le guide sono davvero speciali, consiglio vivamente Verena! Si può organizzare per la propria famiglia, per un piccolo gruppo di amici ma anche come gita scolastica in questo periodo di lockdown. Super consigliato!
It is an excellent opportunity to visit Vienna "live". The guides are really special, I highly recommend Verena! It can be organized for your family, for a small group of friends but also as a school trip during this lockdown period. Super recommended!
Maryse Delort on Google

Une expérience formidable ! On se sent vraiment à Vienna avec Verena qui sait si bien nous faire découvrir cette ville magnifique chargée d'art et d'histoire. Voyager de cette manière est une échappée belle confortable à prix raisonnable. Avoir la possibilité d'écouter, mais aussi de poser des questions et voir les autres participants en même temps que les sites, rend cette expérience tellement unique. Parlez en à vos amis, vos parents, vos enseignants, grands-parents, enfants, afin qu'ils viennent avec vous faire cette merveilleuse visite virtuelle et si réelle. En solo c'est super aussi ! Faites vous plaisir !
A great experience! We really feel in Vienna with Verena who knows so well how to make us discover this magnificent city full of art and history. Traveling this way is a comfortable, affordable getaway. Having the opportunity to listen, but also to ask questions and see other participants at the same time as the sites, makes this experience so unique. Tell your friends, your parents, your teachers, grandparents, children, so that they come with you to make this wonderful virtual tour and so real. Solo is great too! Treat yourself!
Daniel Schramm on Google

Technology worked very well. Guide was knowledgeable and fun. Would definitely recommend.
Anna Schramm on Google

A wonderful hour enjoying being taken round Vienna from the comfort of my home. The guide was excellent and one had the luxury of being able to ask questions. As the guide walked you were next to him all the time and not just walking along behind in a crowd. One really had the feeling that you were there. I would definitely recommend it.

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