Taste! Food Market am Donaukanal

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Taste! Food Market am Donaukanal

Address :

ggüber Direkt am Kanal, Obere Donaustraße 83, 1020 Wien, Austria

Phone : 📞 +777
Website : https://www.tastefoodmarket.com/
Categories :
City : Wien

ggüber Direkt am Kanal, Obere Donaustraße 83, 1020 Wien, Austria
jableh jableh on Google

Der Donaukanal ist einer der schönsten Orte Wiens und kann sich mittlerweile auch gastronomisch richtig sehen lassen. Nicht zuletzt durch unseren taste! Garden und die taste! Kitchen. Die taste! Kitchen versorgt euch das ganze Jahr über mit bestem Essen und einer Gin & Tonic Auswahl, die selbst die Queen schwach machen würde. taste! Garden bietet im Sommer unterschiedlichen Gastronomen die Möglichkeit, euch mit ihren Kreationen zu begeistern. Bisher mit größtem Erfolg! taste! am Donaukanal Obere Donaustraße gegenüber 83, 1020 Wien (direkt an der Salztorbrücke) Di-Do 11:30-23:00, Fr 11:30-01:00, Sa 10:00-01:00, So 10:00-18:00, Mo Ruhetag  START KITCHEN GARDEN ABOUT & LOCATION LAGE & KONTAKT taste! am Donaukanal Obere Donaustraße gegenüber 83, 1020 Wien (direkt an der Salztorbrücke) Di-Do 11:30-23:00, Fr 11:30-01:00, Sa 10:00-01:00, So 10:00-18:00, Mo Ruhetag » Tisch reservieren          TASTE! AM DONAUKANAL PURER GENUSS AM WIENER DONAUKANAL: TASTE! GARDEN UND TASTE! KITCHEN Der Donaukanal ist einer der schönsten Orte Wiens und kann sich mittlerweile auch gastronomisch richtig sehen lassen. Nicht zuletzt durch unseren taste! Garden und die taste! Kitchen. Die taste! Kitchen versorgt euch das ganze Jahr über mit bestem Essen und einer Gin & Tonic Auswahl, die selbst die Queen schwach machen würde. taste! Garden bietet im Sommer unterschiedlichen Gastronomen die Möglichkeit, euch mit ihren Kreationen zu begeistern. Bisher mit größtem Erfolg! taste! am Donaukanal Obere Donaustraße gegenüber 83, 1020 Wien (direkt an der Salztorbrücke) Di-Do 11:30-23:00, Fr 11:30-01:00, Sa 10:00-01:00, So 10:00-18:00, Mo Ruhetag » Tisch reservieren In der taste! Kitchen findest du das ganze Jahr über saisonal wechselnde Speisen, die kaum einen Wunsch offen lassen. Auch nicht den nach einem wirklich guten Mittagsmenü. Zusätzlich zeigen regelmäßig Newcomer und Spitzenköche im Rahmen eines Gastauftritts, was sie am Herd so draufhaben. Folge am besten unseren Social Media Kanälen, um rechtzeitig reservieren zu können!
The Danube Canal is one of the most beautiful places in Vienna and can now also be seen from a gastronomic point of view. Not least thanks to our taste! Garden and the taste! Kitchen. The key! Kitchen provides you all year round with the best food and a selection of gin & tonic that would make even the queen weak. button! In summer, Garden offers various restaurateurs the opportunity to inspire you with their creations. So far with great success! button! on the Danube Canal Obere Donaustraße opposite 83, 1020 Vienna (directly at the Salztorbrücke) Tue-Thu 11: 30-23: 00, Fri 11: 30-01: 00, Sat 10: 00-01: 00, Sun 10: 00-18: 00, closed on Mondays  BEGIN KITCHEN GARDEN ABOUT & LOCATION LOCATION & CONTACT button! on the Danube Canal Obere Donaustraße opposite 83, 1020 Vienna (directly at the Salztorbrücke) Tue-Thu 11: 30-23: 00, Fri 11: 30-01: 00, Sa 10: 00-01: 00, Sun 10: 00-18: 00, Closed on Mondays " Reserve a table          BUTTON! ON THE DANUBE CANAL PURE PLEASURE IN VIENNA DANUBE CANAL: BUTTON! GARDEN AND BUTTON! KITCHEN The Danube Canal is one of the most beautiful places in Vienna and can now also be seen from a gastronomic point of view. Not least thanks to our taste! Garden and the taste! Kitchen. The key! Kitchen provides you all year round with the best food and a selection of gin & tonic that would make even the queen weak. button! In summer, Garden offers various restaurateurs the opportunity to inspire you with their creations. So far with great success! button! on the Danube Canal Obere Donaustraße opposite 83, 1020 Vienna (directly at the Salztorbrücke) Tue-Thu 11: 30-23: 00, Fri 11: 30-01: 00, Sat 10: 00-01: 00, Sun 10: 00-18: 00, closed on Mondays " Reserve a table In touch! Kitchen you will find seasonally changing dishes all year round that leave nothing to be desired. Not even after a really good lunch menu. In addition, newcomers and top chefs regularly show what they can do at the stove as part of a guest appearance. It is best to follow our social media channels in order to be able to reserve in good time!
Emina Damnjanovic on Google

Looking forward to the opening! ❤❤❤
Dominik Brandl on Google

Very good food and drinks, nice StOktopus, but the mild Pimientos are actually quite spicy.
Dominik Ertl on Google

TASTE ballroom-damn.good.dumplings ????
Will and Alex Travel on Google

Good little spot on the river with decent seating options. I think calling it a “food market” is a little misleading, as I think it’s only 3 little food stands? That being said, the dumpling place was AMAZING.
Fernand “funambule” Cosmin on Google

Happy with service. Tried vegan chicken wings and a toast and were good.
Weronika Cenin on Google

All right, let’s be honest: where else in Vienna can you find a restaurant with a sweet pink interior design, perfectly dimmed lights, ultra friendly stuff members, strong cocktails and insanely delicious food (including vegan and veggie options). My absolute favorite is the veggie burger and cauliflower as a starter. Follow the recommendations of Sarah and Roman and you will be in the seventh heaven! Best ?
Shane Dunne on Google

Worth a visit the next time you are strolling along the river Relaxed vibes Good food and cold drinks Great service from both the Pizza and Bar stands.

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