Strandpark Velden

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Strandpark Velden

Address :

Seecorso 16-24, 9220 Velden am Wörthersee, Austria

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City : Velden am Wörthersee

Seecorso 16-24, 9220 Velden am Wörthersee, Austria
Goran Zovko on Google

Bezprjekorno urađen park Idealno za malu i veliku djecu
Impeccably done park Ideal for small and large children
Klaus Zerche on Google

Ein Ort mit wunderschönen Blick auf den Wörthersee. Auch viele Lokale in der Nähe laden zum Verweilen ein. Zu jeder Jahreszeit zu empfehlen!
A place with a beautiful view of the Wörthersee. Many local restaurants invite you to linger. To be recommended in every season!
Manfred Adam on Google

Sehr schöner Park mit wunderbaren Spielplatz. War mit meinem Enkerl dort und er hat sich sehr wohlgefühlt
Very nice park with wonderful playground. Was there with my grandchild and he felt very comfortable
Chris Acrobatic on Google

Nett! Schöner Park und sehr gut gepflegt.
Kind! Nice park and very well maintained.
Christoph “Christoph P” Pychal on Google

Furchtbare Stadt. Komplett überlaufen und eine richtig stark befahrene Straße durch die ganze Stadt. Wer Erholung, Schönheit, Ruhe sucht, ist hier wohl fehl am Platz. Wirkt wie eine dieser billigen Ski-Orte...
Terrible city. Completely crowded and a really busy road through the city. If you are looking for relaxation, beauty, peace, is probably out of place here. Works like one of those cheap ski resorts ...
Josef Buxbaum on Google

Netter Besuch beim Veldener Advent, leider gibt es einen anonymen Psychopathen, der seine Minderwertigkeitskomplexe durch Anzeigen wegen Parkvergehen befriedigt. Die Polizei macht sich zum Gehilfen der Parkraumüberwachung, parke lieber weit entfernt damit du nicht in den Genuss dieser fragwürdigen Velden Werbung kommst.
Nice visit at Velden Advent, unfortunately there is an anonymous psychopath who satisfies his inferiority complexes by advertising for parking offense. The police make themselves the assistants of the parking surveillance, park far rather distant so that you do not come to the benefit of this questionable Velden advertising.
markus wedl on Google

Hier zu verweilen zwischen dem legendären Schloss am Wörthersee, weißt Roy Black und Uschi Glas waren und dem türkisen Wasser des wunderbaren Wörthersees lässt es sich wunderbar aushalten. Parkbänke laden zum entspannten sitzen ein. Derzeit ist das GTI Treffen im Gange sich auch die Vorfahren der heutigen Boliden blicken lassen.
Staying here between the legendary castle on the Wörthersee, Roy Black and Uschi know glass was and the turquoise waters of the wonderful Lake Wörthersee make it wonderful. Park benches invite you to relax. At present, the GTI meeting is underway, also the ancestors of today's cars look.
Luca Ventura on Google

Abbiamo visto il lungolago di Velden durante le festività natalizie attratti dal mercatino. In linea generale è molto più piccola rispetto alla più grande e famosa Klagenfurt, il lungolago durante il mercatino era pieno di bancarelle inframezzate dai caratteristici falò, accesi per scaldarsi durante la passeggiata. Pittoresca la corona di luci accesa nel lago perfettamente visibile. Vale la pena soprattutto visitarla in questo periodo, durante il resto dell'anno conviene scegliere altre mete per una passeggiata.
We saw the lakefront of Velden during the Christmas holidays attracted by the market. In general it is much smaller than the largest and famous Klagenfurt, the lakefront during the market was full of stalls interspersed with characteristic bonfires, lit to warm up during the walk. Picturesque the crown of lights lit in the perfectly visible lake. Especially worth visiting in this period, during the rest of the year should choose other destinations for a walk.

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