St. George's Cathedral

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact St. George's Cathedral

Address :

Burgpl. 1, 2700 Wiener Neustadt, Austria

Phone : 📞 +887
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Categories :
City : Wiener Neustadt

Burgpl. 1, 2700 Wiener Neustadt, Austria
Alois Römer on Google

Wirklich interessant. Wir haben heute die NÖ Landesaustellung, Kraftwerk Ungerfeld und Milak besucht. Dabei haben wir viel über die Vergangenheit von Wiener Neustadt und Umgebung erfahren.
Really interesting. Today we visited the Lower Austrian State Exhibition, Kraftwerk Ungerfeld and Milak. We learned a lot about the past of Wiener Neustadt and the surrounding area.
Eva Hofbauer on Google

Als Wiener Neustädter waren wir enttäuscht von der St. Georgs Kathedrale, wo ist der schöne Altar geblieben. Das hat nichts mehr mit der früheren Ausstattung zu tun. Schade habe uns mehr erwartet, die Führung war sehr schwach und glich mehr einer Werbeveranstalltung für das Bundesheer.
As Wiener Neustädter we were disappointed with the St. Georgs Cathedral, where is the beautiful altar. This has nothing to do with the previous equipment. Too bad we expected more, the leadership was very weak and more like an advertising event for the army.
Atreju Berger on Google

Bin eigentlich eher zufällig hingekommen und hab dann an der Führung teilgenommen, war echt toll! Kanns empfehlen!
I actually came by accident and then took part in the leadership, was really great! Can recommend!
Andrea Schrittwieser on Google

Die Burg ist sehr sehenswert ein echtes Juwel in Wiener Neustadt.
The castle is well worth seeing a real gem in Wiener Neustadt.
H.S KIM on Google

신성 로마 제국의 황제 막시밀리안 1세(Kaiser Maximilian I 1459~1519)가 묻힌 곳. 인스브루크에 있는건 세노타프(Cenotaph)임. 알려진 이미지와 달리 굉장히 우울한 인간이었던 막시밀리안 1세는 말년에 오스트리아 순방을 다니면서 죽을때 함께 묻힐 관을 가지고 다녔고 결국 벨스(Wels)에서 병사함. 평소 인스브루크를 아껴 그곳에 묻히기 원했으나 벨스와 거리가 너무 멀어 그냥 태어난 곳인 비너 노이슈타트의 성에 있는 장크트 게오르크 카펠에 묻힘.
The burial place of Kaiser Maximilian I 1459-1519 of the Holy Roman Empire. In Innsbruck is Senotaph. Contrary to the known image, Maximilian I, a very depressed man, traveled to Austria in his later years, carrying a coffin to be buried with his death, and eventually a soldier at Wels. He usually wanted to be buried in Innsbruck, but was too far from Bels and was buried in St. Georg Kappel in the castle of Wiener Neustadt.
Walter Zwölfer on Google

Super Historischer Ort. War im zuge der Ladesausstellung in Wr. Neustadt hier in der Burg und in der St.Georgskathedrale! ☺️
Super historic place. Was in the course of the load exhibition in Wr. Neustadt here in the castle and in the St. George cathedral! ☺️
Thomas Schönweger on Google

Absolut historischer Ort, da die Kathedrale ja auch das Grabmal von Kaiser Maximilian beherbergt. Bei der Führung wurden wir von einem jungen Soldaten begleitet, der uns sicher und kompetent durch die Anlage geführt hat
Absolutely historic place, as the cathedral also houses the tomb of Emperor Maximilian. During the tour, we were accompanied by a young soldier who guided us safely and competently through the facility
Andreas Kapfenberger on Google

Eindrucksvoller Bischofssitz, welcher "zwischen Himmel und Erde" liegt und wo unterhalb "Pferdekutschen durchfahren können" (2 Wunder von WN)! Die Kathedrale ist Bauch behindertengerecht, da ein Rollstuhllift vorhanden ist
Impressive bishop's seat, which lies "between heaven and earth" and where "horse-drawn carriages can drive through" below (2 wonders of WN)! The cathedral is wheelchair accessible as there is a wheelchair lift

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