Skischule Hirschegg

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Skischule Hirschegg

Address :

Walserstraße 262, 6992 Hirschegg, Austria

Phone : 📞 +779
Website :
Categories :
City : Hirschegg

Walserstraße 262, 6992 Hirschegg, Austria
Mark Visser on Google

De oudere dame van deze ski school, jaagt hele kleine kinderen over de blauwe piste. Geen probleem, maar zij vergeet compleet dat daar ook andere skiërs zijn die daar prima op hun plek zijn. Dus nog niet toe aan een rode piste. Dat geldt voor bijna 50 % van de blauwe piste bezoekers. Een van haar kinderen ramt deze bezoeker van achteren en zij gaat hem even vertellen dat hij beter beneden kan oefenen. !?! Zij is verantwoordelijk dat een van haar kinderen deze skiër van achteren ramt. Die skiër was daar prima op zijn plek. Zij met haar kinderen niet. Ze moet de kinderen leren op te letten. Zou mijn kind hier niet op les durven zetten.
The older lady of this ski school chases very small children down the blue slope. No problem, but she completely forgets that there are also other skiers who are perfectly at home there. So not ready for a red run just yet. This applies to almost 50% of the blue slope visitors. One of her children rams this visitor from behind and she goes to tell him that he better practice downstairs. † She is responsible for one of her children hitting this skier from behind. That skier was in the right place there. Not her with her children. She has to teach the children to pay attention. Wouldn't dare to teach my child here.
Jack Schatorje on Google

Wij vonden skischule Hirschegg heel goed omdat: * alles heel goed, ook corona-proof georganiseerd was * ons kind alle 5 cursusdagen dezelfde leuke, enthousiaste Nederlandse skilerares Nathalie had, waar ze veel van geleerd heeft * de kinderen konden steeds meteen in de lift en gaan skiën; zonder tijdverlies van busvervoer.
We liked the Hirschegg Ski School because: * everything was very well organized, also corona-proof * our child had the same fun, enthusiastic Dutch ski instructor Nathalie for all 5 course days, from whom she learned a lot * the children could always go straight in the lift and go skiing; without loss of time from bus transport.
ortwin zitek on Google

Super Service!!!
Tara on Google

booking was easy and flexible. my instructor was awesome!
Sharron Rajni on Google

Great organises and great ski instructors. Our kid had a fabulous time! Thank you all!
Bernard Deffarges on Google

Great place to improve your skiing ! Very well organized, very friendly and skilled teachers, my kids loved it. Thanks a lot and see you next year !
Thavyness on Google

We signed up the kids in this ski school for 5 days including lunch. Meeting point is at 9:45am at the school in Hirschegg and pickup is at the same place at 15:00. We have signed the kids up in different ski schools over the past 5 years in both Germany and Austria. This is the first that was the most digitalized. We could login and see more details about the ski class and even what the kids are learning. On Fridays is the competition followed by award ceremony at the end of the day...a good ending to a good week of skiing. The kids were skiing in different areas and used the bus to get from one village to another. The school was well organized and we highly recommend it!
Ксения Самокишин on Google

Hello! We are a family from Ukraine, temporarily settled in Austria due to the war. I would like to thank the management of the ski school in Hirschegg and personally to its director Thomas Egger.... My children (Zlata 7 years old and Kamilla 4 years old) enjoyed a lot, they were surrounded by care and attention. Special thanks to our coach Jelmer for his patience and positive attitude! The best ski school, I recommend it from the bottom of my heart!

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