Ski & Snowboard School Neustift Olympia

3.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Ski & Snowboard School Neustift Olympia

Address :

Dorf 25, 6167 Neustift im Stubaital, Austria

Phone : 📞 +7
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City : Neustift im Stubaital

Dorf 25, 6167 Neustift im Stubaital, Austria
Throw Away on Google

The owner/manager seemed friendly enough, but we were let down by the ski equipment here. There was no care given by the staff to ensure that we received equipment that was properly sized/etc. They simply took a look at us, handed us equipment and boots, and sent us on our way. As new skiers, we didn't realize this until it was too late and we went to another ski rental shop. We wouldn't return as the other places we went to took much more care in ensuring that we had a good skiing experience with the right size skis/snowboards/boots/etc. As a side note, the owner's responses to the negative reviews calling the reviewers liars is pretty unprofessional and an indication of the type of service you will receive here.
Justyna on Google

I can highly recommend it! Last year my 6 years old son was first time on ski – after 5 days (8 hours) private lessons with Adam he become independent skier and went to blue piste :-) that is why we have back this year and will back next year to develop his skills supervised by the best instructor ! I am also happy with the rent service !
Yaron Dittman on Google

great school, very kind and professional teachers it was pleasure to spend the 4 days with them
Lena Schmitz on Google

A friend of mine and me were looking for ski equipment and a ski teacher for beginners. We found a super friendly service while trying on our skiers for the first time, followed by three awesome days at the Gletscher with a friendly and supportive teacher. We enjoyed the trip a lot, especially due to the great staff at Ski School Olympia. We can highly recommend the school and are looking forward to visit again :-)
A B on Google

I booked a three day course for our little son and a two day course for my wife. Both were beginners. In addition we rented the equipment on the spot. At the office we had the choice where to start the courses and they recommended the Stubaier Glacier which was the best place to be. The service was friendly and fast. Our instructors were Paula and Oliver. Both were very friendly, patient and reliable. Paula was so lovely towards our 4 year old son, he liked her right away. Oliver taught my wife to ski within 4 hours, well done! :) Both spoke in English. We will be back next year. Thank you for everything.
Małgorzata Chodkowska on Google

We highly recommend. The instructors are fully professional! Our children were very happy with the lessons at Olimpia.
adi kurtchik on Google

We booked a half day for our 4 year old son who was a complete beginner. We show up to drop him off at the meeting point and no one asked for any info from us. Not even a phone number to call in case of an emergency. Our lesson was up on the Glacier at the Gamsegarten station There were 2 instructors and 21 children- 22 including our son. (Yes I actually counted!) The Instructors were very nice and sweet to the kids but clearly needed help with that many children. I ended up staying the whole lesson since I didn’t feel comfortable leaving my kid alone in such a huge group with little supervision. While I was standing there I kept helping the kids get up after falling and guide them back to the line since their teachers were too busy to help or even notice. At one point the instructor even asked me if I could help take a child to the bathroom but after I said ok he changed his mind and got his colleague to do it which resulted in him having to watch over 21 kids by himself until she returned. Basically it was WAY too big a class for only 2 instructors and no teaching was actually accomplished during the lesson. Sadly it was a waste of our time and money.
Leonid F on Google

Definitely the best and most reliable ski school at Stubai. They taught me and my elder son to ski, then my daughter starting the age of 3 (now she is 11). I am using their service from 2011 till today and hope to continue as long as I can stand on skies. Numerous my friends do the same. Special thanks to ski instructors Andreas, Barbara and, of course, to Albin (the manager) and Lucas (co-manager) for their kind, diligent and professional care!

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