Showtime - Josefsgasse 7

3.9/5 based on 7 reviews

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Josefsgasse 7, 1080 Wien, Austria

Phone : 📞 +8899
Postal code : 1080
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City : Wien

Josefsgasse 7, 1080 Wien, Austria
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There are positives and negatives to this programme. My daughter attended a week-long summer workshop. The young team running it seemed very competent, creative and energetic. I think they helped her feel more confident. I found the movement element of the workshop very, very impressive and the make up at the performance was fantastic. On the negative side, the choice of songs was too ambitious, so the singing part of the performance was not very good. More importantly, the script for the end performance (which I believe was written beforehand) was a little banal (I mean this is CATS for goodness sake... it's based on TS Eliot... which is in the public domain!) and not really suitable for an ensemble performance. This meant that a couple of older children who were regulars at Showtime during the year got to speak a lot and everyone else had one or two lines during a 20-min performance. My daughter was disappointed and frustrated about that, and therefore, so was I. This meant that the workshop didn't present good value for money for us. These workshops could well still be good value for people who want their children to spend a week in an English-speaking environment or need to build their confidence from quite a low base. Obviously, this is all only my opinion and only based on one workshop. There was still a lot to admire and I have heard a lot of good feedback about the courses run during the year. If you are interested for your child, it is certainly worth considering, but you may like to ask in advance about the script and how balanced the roles are.

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