Sebastian Thalhammer | Brand Beschleuniger | Storyteller | Moderator | Speaker

5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Sebastian Thalhammer | Brand Beschleuniger | Storyteller | Moderator | Speaker

Address :

Großstroheim 2, 4074 Stroheim, Austria

Phone : 📞 +897
Website :
Categories :
City : Stroheim

Großstroheim 2, 4074 Stroheim, Austria
Edith Edith on Google

GroßartigerTrainer mit viel Esprit, Feingefühl, Flexibilität und auch Witz! Das Seminar war informativ, top vorbereitet, abwechslungsreich und sehr kurzweilig. Da ich ihn bei einer Train-the-trainer Fortbildung kennen gelernt habe, kann ich nur sagen: wir waren mit Sicherheit keine unkritische und leicht zu beeindruckende Gruppe, aber das Feedback aus dem Team war durch die Bank positiv!
Great trainer with a lot of esprit, sensitivity, flexibility and also wit! The seminar was informative, well prepared, varied and very entertaining. Since I got to know him at a train-the-trainer training course, I can only say: we were certainly not an uncritical and easily impressing group, but the feedback from the team was positive across the board!
Márta Szemrédi on Google

An zwei Workshops habe ich bis jetzt bei Sebastian teilgenommen. Beide waren kurzweilig, die Zeit verflog im Nu. Für mich waren zwei wichtige Aspekte dabei: * Onlineberatung kann fast so gut funktionieren wie offline, nur keine Scheu davor! * Storytelling ist nicht gleich Geschichtl drucken, es brauch mehr... ... mehr Empahtie und Vorbereitung, damit es richtig annehmbar rüberkommt
I have taken part in two workshops with Sebastian so far. Both were entertaining, the time flew by in no time. For me there were two important aspects: * Online advice can work almost as well as offline, don't be afraid! * Storytelling is not the same as printing a story, it needs more... ... more empathy and preparation so that it comes across as really acceptable
michaela doerfflern on Google

…. danke Sebastian, wenn man Dich zur Unterstützung holt….. entsteht eindeutig weiter Entwicklung…. und das ganze gepaart mit Humor…. es war sehr spannend …. Du beschreibst genau das, was ich täglich bei Menschen …. die ich begleite einsetzten kann …. und Du erklärst genau das was ich immer wieder beobachte im Umgang mit Menschen und Dein professioneller Input hilft es einzusortieren …. und sich bestätigt zu wissen. Diese komplexen Zusammenhänge anschaulich darzustellen …. ist Dir sehr gut gelungen. Einen Führungsstil weiterzuentwickeln ….. das ist eine feine Sache…. und mit Dir keineswegs fad. Das wichtigste ist …. das man in den Stunden mit Dir und Deinen Inputs …. darin bestätigt wird … dass Menschen die äußere Lage ihres Lebens ändern können … wenn sie ihre innere Haltung ändern …. danke und liebe Grüße, Michaela Doerfflern (Fachtrainings, Coaching, Beratung)
…. thank you Sebastian, if you are brought in for support….. there will definitely be further development…. and the whole paired with humor .... It was very exciting …. You describe exactly what I see in people every day.... which I can use to accompany …. and you explain exactly what I keep observing when dealing with people and your professional input helps to sort it out.... and to know yourself confirmed. Depicting these complex relationships clearly... you did very well. To further develop a management style ..... that is a fine thing .... and with you by no means boring. The most important is …. that one in the hours with you and your inputs .... it is confirmed... that people can change the outer condition of their life... if they change their inner attitude.... Thank you and best regards, Michaela Doerfflern (specialist training, coaching, advice)
Klaus Rinner on Google

Iulia Diana Pop on Google

very interesting lecture on online marketing tools
Bartłomiej Stokłosa on Google

Very professional and insightful seminar about the Digital Marketing by Sebastian - really enjoyed!
Martina Vysluzilova on Google

?ARE YOU IN PAIN? because your social media work is not generating the traffic which would buy your valuable offering? Struggling with creating stable, forecastable monthly income with your expertise? If yes, Sebastian is the person to talk to. After 1.5 years of trying to make my online business work by focusing on social media "explosion" like other marketing experts recommend, and burning time with NO conversions, I am seriously doubting that this strategy is the "go to one" for me right now. Consulting with Sebastian I got breakthrough insights into my situation as he understood the weak point. In 15min it was clear to me which way to go and what I'm doing wrong. And seriously, until somebody who understands your problem does not evaluate your situation and has you see it objectively, all the ways you try to go, might just be guessing. Nobody has time and energy for that. If you are struggling with the clarity and the correct steps about your marketing and developing your business no matter where you live, his experience and knowledge will be the right investment to end your guessing.
Scentnarios by Matis Swann on Google

Sebastian helped me immensely by strengthening my confidence and helping me to build my business. He combines abilities of a life coach and a business coach and offers fantastic insights into social media marketing. I am deeply grateful and highly recommend!

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