Rogner Geothermie GmbH

4.3/5 based on 3 reviews

Contact Rogner Geothermie GmbH

Address :

Bad Blumau 122, 8283 Bad Blumau, Austria

Phone : 📞 +8
Categories :
City : Bad Blumau

Roman Supek on Google

Christian Kukla on Google

So schön die Therme auch ist, so gut wie das Thermalwasser ist, so sehr ich sie seit Jahrzehnten schätze, so unangenehm sind inzwischen die Handtuch-Besatzungsmächte – auch weil jeder so viele Handtücher bekommt, wie er will. Dagegen hilft auch nicht, dass die Preise ständig steigen, die Therme ist einfach voll. Entfernt man ein herrenloses Handtuch (wie überall leserlich angeraten und erlaubt), läuft man Gefahr des Diebstahls persönlicher Gegenstände bezichtigt zu werden. Fragen Sie den Bademeister Ihrer Wahl, er wird Ihnen Profi-Tpps geben, wie man Liegen erfolgreich belegt, sodass andere (auch Bademeister) nichts unternehmen können und welche Anschuldigungen man erheben muss (mit persönlichen Gegenständen belegt; Diebstahl), um sein Minderheitenrecht auf eigene Liegen durchzuboxen. Als Hotelgast sollte man sich nicht ausschlafen, sonst findet man nur mehr Liegen in den letzten Winkeln. Sehr schade…
As beautiful as the spa is, as good as the thermal water is, as much as I have appreciated for decades, the towel-occupying powers are now so unpleasant - also because everyone gets as many towels as they want. On the other hand, it does not help that the prices are constantly rising, the spa is just full. If you remove a stray towel (as legibly advised and permitted everywhere), you risk being accused of theft of personal belongings. Ask the lifeguard of your choice, he will give you professional tpps, how to successfully occupy chairs, so that others (even lifeguards) can do nothing and what allegations must be made (with personal belongings, theft) to his minority rights on their own To push through the couches. As a hotel guest you should not sleep, otherwise you will only find more beach chairs in the last corners. Very sad ...
나마늘 (마늘) on Google

유명한 건축가인 훈데르트바서가 디자인한 온천 테마 파크다. 호텔부터 온천까지 너무나 아름답게 설계되어 있으며 온천을 즐기면서 다양한 시설들을 이용할 수 있다. 휴가철이 아니면 사람이 많지 않은 곳이기도 해서 여유있게 온천을 즐길수 있다.
It is a hot spring theme park designed by famous architect Hundertwasser. From the hotel to the hot spring, it is so beautifully designed and you can use various facilities while enjoying the hot spring. It is also a place where there are not many people during the holiday season, so you can enjoy the hot springs with ease.

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