REWE International AG - Portier Ost

3.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact REWE International AG - Portier Ost

Address :

IZ NÖ-Süd Str. 3 Biedermannsdorf, 2351 Biedermannsdorf, Austria

Categories :
City : Biedermannsdorf

IZ NÖ-Süd Str. 3 Biedermannsdorf, 2351 Biedermannsdorf, Austria
Ilija Kovac on Google

Tomislav Penava on Google

Jovanovic Zeljko on Google

Milos Simic on Google

nicht schlecht. es entlädt sich schnell.
not bad. it discharges quickly.
Leszek Gabrielski on Google

Ждал с 7.30 до 17.00 потом сработал пейджер.подьезд ужасный.потом еще 2 часа в складе стоишь что бы дали роклу для выгрузки.За 2 года работы по Европе самая ужасная выгрузка.
I waited from 7.30 to 17.00 then the pager went off. The entrance is terrible. Then you stand in the warehouse for another 2 hours to give the rocker for unloading. For 2 years of work in Europe, the most terrible unloading.
Michal Vozár on Google

Veľmi rýchla vykladka dokonca vyložili aj o deň skôr ako bolo dohodnuté
Very fast unloading even unloaded a day earlier than agreed
Zedin Kruskic on Google

Katastrofa firma,najbolje je zaobilazit ovu firmu naj losija u Austriji
Disaster company, it is best to bypass this company the worst in Austria
Ľubomír Halabrín on Google

Katastrofa v Rewe International 5h50 čakanie na parkovisku + 2h na rampe. Tovar na poškodených alebo čiernych europaletách si musí vodič preložiť na ich paletu, našťastie bol špatný čiarový kód na tovare tak sa nič neprekladalo a tovar sa nevykladal
Disaster at Rewe International 5h50 waiting in the parking lot + 2h on the ramp. The driver has to translate the goods on the damaged or black europallets onto their pallets, fortunately there was a bad barcode on the goods so nothing was translated and the goods were not unloaded

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