Relocation Services Höfler

5/5 based on 4 reviews

Contact Relocation Services Höfler

Address :

6850 Dornbirn, Austria

Phone : 📞 +7
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City : Dornbirn

6850 Dornbirn, Austria
Marta Timmermans on Google

Wir sind sehr zufrieden, mit den Leistungen Relocation Services Höfler. Iris hat für uns den Umzug von Ungarn nach Vorarlberg wirklich sehr gut vorbereitet und begleitet. Noch nie haben wir uns so schnell zu Hause gefühlt. Wir wollen und können ihr empfehlen zu jeden der nach Vorarlberg umziehen woll. Sie ist und bleibt unserer erster Freund in Vorarlberg. Guido und Marta Timmermans
We are very satisfied with the services Relocation Services Höfler. Iris really prepared and accompanied the move from Hungary to Vorarlberg very well for us. Never before have we felt so at home so quickly. We want and can recommend her to anyone who wants to move to Vorarlberg. She is and will remain our first friend in Vorarlberg. Guido and Marta Timmermans
Nils Kruse on Google

Starkes Engagement mit maximaler Flexibilität bei der Koordination der Immobiliensuche und -besichtigung. Besonders hervorzuheben sind dabei die positive Einstellung von Iris und klaren Gedanken in zeitlich herausfordernden Situationen.
Strong commitment with maximum flexibility in coordinating the property search and viewing. Particularly noteworthy are the positive attitude of Iris and clear thoughts in time-challenging situations.
Frank Blau on Google

I am an American ex-pat living in Dornbirn, Austria. Having Iris Höfler as a resource during my recent relocation within Austria has been an invaluable assistance. She was able to assist me with getting all of my paperwork and registrations completed in a timely and accurate way even during this time of Corona. I will continue to use Iris as often as needed when I need help!
Ágnes Schäfer on Google

My husband and myself got in touch with Iris only 1-2 weeks before we just planned our first trip to Switzerland with the purpose of looking around and finding our new home there. Iris managed us to visit a couple nice places based on our preferences, she even arranged the visit to those places we just found very late on the internet but we were really interested to see. She worked very quickly and promptly. With her help, the application process was very smooth, we got every information translated. Before our final moving out, we could arrange the rest of the administration with the help of Iris from Hungary easily.

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