Plose A Oil

3.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Plose A Oil

Address :

Innstraße 13, 6122 Fritzens, Austria

Phone : 📞 +9
Categories :
City : Fritzens

Innstraße 13, 6122 Fritzens, Austria
Олег Савенко on Google

Брудно. Пістолет для заправки мокрий від палива. Під час заправки заблокувало картки DKV на всій фірмі. Більше жодного разу!
Dirty. The refueling gun is wet with fuel. During refueling, DKV cards were blocked throughout the company. Never again!
a a on Google

Не советую заезжать с 6 до 10 утра. Штраф 300 евро. Ну и сама заправка так себе. Паузу Стоять негде. Воды нет
I do not advise you to stop by from 6 to 10 in the morning. The fine is € 300. Well, the gas station itself is so-so. Pause There is nowhere to stand. No water
2010auguste 2010 on Google

ACHTUNG: VORSICHT bei dieser Tankstelle!!! Mein BMW - Bordcomputer errechnet den Spritverbrauch exakt aus. Heute, bei den enormen Sprit/Dieselpreisen vollgetankt und zum Spaß nachgerechnet: Exakt auch die letzten Male vollgetankt(also bis man den Treibstoff im Einfüllstutzen sieht) Bordcomputer 5,8 Liter, händisch ausgerechneter Verbrauch 6,3 Liter. Bei gefahrenen 700 km eine Differenz von 3, 5 Litern!!! Ich habe also nicht um € 1,38 sondern um € 1,46 bei getankten 44 Litern Diesel gekauft. So machen die da zusätzlich Geld. So eine Unverschämtheit! Mit anderen Worten und auf gut deutsch: Um rund 5,00 Euro besch...., betrogen worden. Gehen Sie da nie hin.
ATTENTION: BE CAREFUL at this gas station !!! My BMW on-board computer calculates the fuel consumption exactly. Today, with the enormous fuel / diesel prices, fully filled up and recalculated for fun: Exactly also the last few times filled up (i.e. until you can see the fuel in the filler neck) on-board computer 5.8 liters, manually calculated consumption 6.3 liters. After driving 700 km there is a difference of 3, 5 liters !!! So I didn't buy for € 1.38 but for € 1.46 with 44 liters of diesel fueled up. That's how they make additional money. What an outrage! In other words and in good German: Damaged around 5.00 euros ...., cheated. Never go there.
Вадим Максимович on Google

Хозяева Самые отъявленные русисты. Иначе не назову. Орут по поводу и без повода на людей употребляют непристойные выражения думая что их никто не понимает. Ещё раз повторю ГНЕЗДО ОТЪЯВЛЕННЫХ РАСИСТОВ
Hosts The most notorious Russianists. I will not name it otherwise. They shout about and without reason at people using obscene expressions, thinking that no one understands them. Once again I will repeat the Nest of the declared rasists
Michał Hubert on Google

Niech się wezmą za Rumunów stoja pod dystrybutorem i pauzy robię dzikusy
Let them take on the Romanians, stand under the dispenser and pauses, I do savages
János Varga on Google

Gyalázatos egy autómata töltőállomás. Semmilyen szolgáltatás nincs. Vízcsap elzárva. Koszos leharcolt elhasznált, topgsz csúszkálsz a gázolajban. Alig fér be a teherjármű a kútoszopok közé. Figyelmeztető táblák kirakva : Behajtani tilos 12m. Megállni Tilos. Parkolni tilos. Létezni is tilos.
It is disgraceful to have an automatic charging station. There is no service. Water tap closed. Dirty frayed worn out, topgsz slipping in diesel. The truck barely fits between the wells. Warning signs unloaded: Do not drive 12m. It is forbidden to stop. Parking is prohibited. It is also forbidden to exist.
Oliver Schönegge on Google

Everything worked well. Cheaper price than other places
John Cretu (XMX) on Google

in this gas station the liters of fuel do not work correctly, I fed 3 canisters of 20 liters per piece in total 60 liters and on the fuel pump 73.91 liters were registered for the personal car as well, the tank being 85 liters total capacity, I arrived at this station with the tank 25% loaded from its capacity and at the pump it registered 71.47. There is something wrong with this gas station

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