Pizzeria Ancora - Sechshauser Str. 67

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Pizzeria Ancora

Address :

Sechshauser Str. 67, 1150 Wien, Austria

Phone : 📞 +9999
Postal code : 1150
Website : https://www.ancora-wien.at/
Categories :
City : Wien

Sechshauser Str. 67, 1150 Wien, Austria
Franz Pichler on Google

Das beste, was man für 5,90 Euro in Wien kriegen kann! Also wirklich, ich komme aus der Heimat der Pizza und man muss sagen, dass man im Ausland sehr schwer zu einem akzeptablen Preis-Leistungsverhältnis für eine anständige Pizza kommt. Aber bei ANCORA wird für den guten Preis das Maximum rausgeholt! Empfehlung: Pizza "Franco" (mit Spinat, Zwiebel und Schafskäse) Beschte Pizza, netter Pizzaiolo und immer unkompliziert. Ein Versuch ist es auf alle Fälle wert!
The best thing you can get in Vienna for 5.90 euros! Really, I come from the home of pizza and you have to say that abroad it is very difficult to get an acceptable price-performance ratio for a decent pizza. But at ANCORA you get the maximum out of the good price! Recommendation: Pizza "Franco" (with spinach, onion and sheep cheese) Loaded pizza, nice pizzaiolo and always uncomplicated. It is definitely worth a try!
Alissa Grispigni on Google

Diffidate dalle imitazioni a Vienna (premessa).Siamo stati in questo ristorante catturati dal nome ITALIANO. Il ristorante all'interno è simile a un locale per anziani. Presa la pizza (Caprese) o perlomeno quello che speravo, condimento pieno zeppo di origano, insomma niente a che fare con la vera CAPRESE. Sconsiglio ASSOLUTAMENTE.
Beware of imitations in Vienna (premise). We have been in this restaurant captured by the name ITALIAN. The restaurant inside is similar to a room for the elderly. Taking the pizza (Caprese) or at least what I hoped, condiment full of oregano, in short, nothing to do with the real CAPRESE. I discourage ABSOLUTELY.
u-lia nomade on Google

Ging schnell, schmeckt sehr gut, Sehr netter pizzabäcker
Went fast, tastes very good, very nice pizza maker
Hans Mustermann on Google

Die Besitzer dort sind sehr freundlich und ich finde das sie die besten Burger Menüs haben die ich bis jz gegesen habe ein Lob auf die köche
The owners there are very friendly and I think they have the best burger menus I've seen so far, kudos to the chefs
Alexander S on Google

War bis Ende 2021 eine super Pizzeria bzgl Preisleistung, leider wie zu erwarten 2022 saftige Preiserhöhung und Qualität leider auch etwas abgenommen. Was auch dazu kam extra Berechnung von Zutaten die wir nicht hatten. Leider war’s das erstmal.
Was a great pizzeria in terms of price performance until the end of 2021, unfortunately as expected in 2022 there was a juicy price increase and the quality unfortunately also decreased a bit. Which also came with an extra charge for ingredients we didn't have. Unfortunately that's it for now.
henk stelt on Google

Perfect food!!!
Job on Google

The waiter hit a wasp clean off my shoulder while i placed my order
Thomas Vos on Google

Nice and decent place. Nice service

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