Piano lessons for children and adults - learn to play the piano with Gal Rasché - Mariahilferstraße 51 MusikQuartier

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Contact Piano lessons for children and adults - learn to play the piano with Gal Rasché

Address :

Mariahilferstraße 51 MusikQuartier, 1060 Wien, Austria

Phone : 📞 +7779
Postal code : 1060
Website : https://www.galrasche.com/
Categories :
City : Wien

Mariahilferstraße 51 MusikQuartier, 1060 Wien, Austria
Reinhard Auer on Google

Frau Professor Rasche' ist mir seit vielen Jahren als ausgezeichnete Musikerin und Pädagogin bekannt, auch menschlich ist sie von hoher Qualität. Ich kann sie und ihren Unterricht daher nur allen Schülern und - innen aufs Wärmste empfehlen. Reinhard Auer, Theaterdirektor und Eventmanager
I have known Professor Rasche for many years as an excellent musician and teacher, and she is also of high quality on a human level. I can therefore only warmly recommend her and her lessons to all students. Reinhard Auer, theater director and event manager
Veljko Stankovic on Google

Die Kollegin Galina Mauracher ist eine sehr talentierte und engagierte Lehrerin/Professorin. Mit ihr so lange zusammen zu arbeiten war eine schöne und Gute Erfahrung wo ich auch was dazu lernte. Meiner Meinung nach kann man Sie nur empfehlen und ich finde es toll das Sie jetzt so etwas macht und ihre Kunst und ihr Können weitergibt.
The colleague Galina Mauracher is a very talented and committed teacher / professor. Working with her for so long was a nice and good experience and I also learned something. In my opinion, I can only recommend her and I think it's great that she is now doing something like this and passing on her art and her skills.
Tomoko Nakai /中井 知子 on Google

Professor Galina ist eine intelligente und liebevolle Lehrerin. Sie verfügt über eine Fülle an historischem Wissen sowie Klavierunterricht, der die intellektuelle Neugier und Spontaneität der Lernenden sowohl in Bezug auf Musik als auch in Bezug auf Sprache fördern kann. Ich denke, Professor Galina ist eine sehr lustige Lehrerin, die für alle Niveaus entsprechen wird.
Professor Galina is an intelligent and loving teacher. She has a wealth of historical knowledge as well as piano lessons that can nurture learners' intellectual curiosity and spontaneity in both music and language. I think Professor Galina is a very fun teacher who will suit all levels.
Inna А on Google

Уникальный преподаватель Галина Маурахер! Настоящий профессионал и мастер в своем деле! Индивидуальный подход к каждому студенту! Была на концерте ее студентов- очень понравилось! ,Общение с этим потрясающим человеком не оставляет равнодушным! Много лет знаю этого профессора- встреча всегда полна интересных и полезных знаний,которыми Галина щедро делится с нами! Этот человек живёт музыкой и несёт высокую музыкальную культуру слушателям и студентам! Пишет очень интересные и необычные книги о великих композиторах,которые очень легко и с пользой запоминаются! Для меня,как для музыканта вокалиста- большая честь знакомство с этим очень душевным,тонким,неординарным человеком! И настоящее везение для студента,обучаться у такого чудесного преподавателя! С большим уважением и наилучшими пожеланиями. Inna Arvoice.
Galina Mauraher is a unique teacher! A true professional and master in his field! An individual approach to each student! I was at the concert of her students - I really liked it! , Communication with this amazing person does not leave you indifferent! I have known this professor for many years - the meeting is always full of interesting and useful knowledge, which Galina generously shares with us! This person lives by music and brings a high musical culture to listeners and students! He writes very interesting and unusual books about great composers, which are very easy and usefully remembered! For me, as a musician, vocalist, it is a great honor to meet this very sincere, delicate, extraordinary person! And real luck for a student to learn from such a wonderful teacher! With great respect and best wishes. Inna Arvoice.
Elena Chepurnova on Google

Galina Krutikova is an exceptionally gifted and versatile person. She is a wonderful musician, teacher, musicologist, author, and publisher of a series of books about composers. She always has a lot of fresh ideas that she strives to pass on to her students. Galina has a rare talent for innovation and inexhaustible creative energy, as well as the ability to discover talent in other people and awaken their creative potential. Galina has extensive knowledge of classical and contemporary music, extensive practical experience of teaching at the conservatory, and conducting a symphony orchestra. Her concerts were held on the stages of many European theaters. Galina brought up a large galaxy of students who became wonderful musicians. Virtuoso piano skills and pedagogical experience and talent – a perfect combination for a music teacher! Галина Крутикова - необычайно одаренный и разносторонний человек. Она отличный музыкант, педагог, музыковед, автор и издатель серии книг о композиторах. У нее всегда есть много свежих идей, которые она стремится передать своим ученикам. Галина обладает редким талантом к новаторству и неиссякаемой творческой энергией, а также умением раскрывать таланты в других людях и пробуждать в них творческие способности. Галина обладает обширными знаниями классической и современной музыки, большим практическим опытом преподавания в консерватории и дирижирования симфоническим оркестром. Ее концерты проходили на сценах многих европейских театров. Галина вырастила большую плеяду учеников, которые стали прекрасными музыкантами. Фортепианное мастерство, педагогический опыт и талант - идеальное сочетание для учителя музыки!
Galina Krutikova is an exceptionally gifted and versatile person. She is a wonderful musician, teacher, musicologist, author, and publisher of a series of books about composers. She always has a lot of fresh ideas that she strives to pass on to her students. Galina has a rare talent for innovation and inexhaustible creative energy, as well as the ability to discover talent in other people and awaken their creative potential. Galina has extensive knowledge of classical and contemporary music, extensive practical experience of teaching at the conservatory, and conducting a symphony orchestra. Her concerts were held on the stages of many European theaters. Galina brought up a large galaxy of students who became wonderful musicians. Virtuoso piano skills and pedagogical experience and talent - a perfect combination for a music teacher! Galina Krutikova is an unusually gifted and versatile person. She is an excellent musician, teacher, musicologist, author and publisher of a series of books on composers. She always has a lot of fresh ideas that she seeks to pass on to her students. Galina has a rare talent for innovation and inexhaustible creative energy, as well as the ability to reveal talents in other people and awaken creativity in them. Galina has extensive knowledge of classical and modern music, extensive practical experience in teaching at the conservatory and conducting a symphony orchestra. Her concerts have taken place on the stages of many European theaters. Galina raised a large galaxy of students who became great musicians. Piano skills, pedagogical experience and talent are the perfect combination for a music teacher!
Navid Rahbar on Google

Absolute professional courses. You won't be regret to be in her classes. Highly recommended.
Walter Bittner on Google

I know Gal Rasche already since many years. I have recommended many students to study with her. Studying with Gal Rasche opens students' eyes for the magic of music. The student will not only learn to play the piano, but Gal Rasche will also convey important details about the composer and his music, and the time in which he lived. I have seen several students under the guidance of Gal Rasche to enjoy more and more their hobby and to practice even long time and to play with even more ingenuity and gusto. I can say Gal Rasche is a very special teacher and companion for the adventure of piano playing and music generally!
Morena Priori on Google

When you study with Gal Rasche, you feel right away her strong musical competence and knowledge, but also her passion and deep devotion to music, which creates a magical atmosphere. Her extensive experience in teaching is palpable and very comforting. She's patient and encouraging; with her guidance, the progress is surprisingly fast! I couldn't be happier I've found her. Highly recommended to anyone!

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