Österreichische Postbus AG

3.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Österreichische Postbus AG

Address :

Hohenstaufengasse 6, 8020 Graz, Austria

Website : http://www.postbus.at/
Categories :
City : Graz

Hohenstaufengasse 6, 8020 Graz, Austria
Elin Tropper on Google

Send Zlatic on Google

Christine Scholz-Kummert on Google

Ronald Sailer on Google

Bettina Grossschädl on Google

T. S on Google

Leider ab und an nicht optimale Organisation, aber alles in allem zufriedenstellend
Unfortunately now and then not optimal organization, but all in all satisfactory
Joseph Makinson on Google

Mann weiß nie ob ein Bus kommt oder ob er einfach nicht erscheint oder ob er 20 Minuten spät kommt und manchmal kommen sie aber fahren einfach vorbei obwohl sie nur wenig Fahrgäste haben und Menschen eindeutig an der Bushaltestelle warten. Mann kann sich einfach NICHT auf die Busse verlassen.
You never know if a bus is coming or if it just won't show up or if it's 20 minutes late and sometimes they just come by even though they have few passengers and people are clearly waiting at the bus stop. You just CANNOT rely on the buses.
Miro Plaznik on Google

Katastra od osebja na avtobusu in na sedežu družbe. Pred kratkim sem se prvič vozil tem Postbusom in sem na glavni avtobusni postaji vprašal enega voznika te družbe. Kateri avtobus pelje v Bad Radkersburg? In mi je rekel naj grem z njim. Ok sem si mislil. Takoj ko sem vstopil v bus sem tudi takoj pokazal inv. katico, ker imam kot 70%invd. popust 50%pri vseh javnih prevozih. In smo se odpeljali. Stalno sem spremljal med vožnjo kam se peljemo? Vsako postajo, ko se je bus ustavil, dokler nismo prišli do Gleisdorfa in mi je rekel voznik, da moram oditi na drugi bus in rekel št. busa na katerega moram prestopiti. Ko sem prišel do naslednjega busa s to številko, ki je rekel voznik sem takoj vprašal, če gre ta bus do mojega cilja. Pa mi je rekel, da sem na napačnem koncu, da v to smer ne gre niti en bus. Tako da sem se ponovno vrnil v Gradec z vlakom. Takoj sem odšel na sedež podjetja, da vložim reklamacijo in da mi povrnejo vse stroške, ki sem jih imel do sedaj. Na sedežu te družbe sem opisal, kako se je vse skupaj odvijalo. In bil je problem vrniti denar. Samo komplicirajo na tem podjetju, samo da ti ne vrnejo tega denarja. Na koncu je izjavila ta oseba, da mora vprašati šefa, če mi bojo vrnili denar ali ne. In da naj pridem naslednji dan po denar. Kar sem tudi storil in vrnili so mi denar. Tudi drugi dan je ta ženska komplicrala, samo da jim ni potrebno vrniti denarja. Voznik avtobusa pa se je zagovarjal, da me ni razumel in na vprašanje zakaj mi zaračunal polno ceno vozovnice, če sem pokazal inv. katico? Pa je odgovoril, da sem prepozno pokazal. Kar se je seveda zlagal. Ker jaz vedno nosim invd. katico s seboj, kjer mi je to edini verodostojni dokument, da sem resnično invalid. Ta dokument (inv. kartico) in letno vozovnico za mestni promet sem mu pokazal že na začetku, ko sem vstopil v bus. Še vprašal kaj je to in mi rekel da ta letna mestna vozovnica pri njih ne velja, čeprav smo se vozili čez celo mesto imel je tudi več postankov čez mesto . Da je to regionalni bus. Ok. Sprašujem se zakaj je potreboval dve postaji, da mi je izročil vozovnico??? Ker sem bil tisti dan prepozen sem sklenil, da grem naslednji dan zgodaj zjutraj. Ne boste verjeli, kaj se mi je zgodilo nasedjni dan. Z istim Postbusom sem šel samo druga št. busa je bila in z drugim šoferjem. To je bila šele Burleska naslednji dan!?!?!? ???Lp. Miro
Cadastre from staff on the bus and at the company's headquarters. I recently drove these Postbuses for the first time and I asked one driver of this company at the main bus station. Which bus goes to Bad Radkersburg? And he told me to go with him. Ok I thought. As soon as I got on the bus I also immediately showed inv. katica because I have as 70% invd. 50% discount on all public transport. And we drove off. I was constantly monitoring where we were driving while driving? Every stop when the bus stopped until we got to Gleisdorf and the driver told me I had to get on another bus and said no. the bus I have to get on. When I got to the next bus with that number, the driver said I immediately asked if this bus was going to my destination. And he told me I was on the wrong end, that not a single bus was going in that direction. So I went back to Graz by train again. I immediately went to the company headquarters to file a complaint and be reimbursed for all the expenses I had incurred so far. At the headquarters of this company, I described how it all went together. And the problem was getting the money back. They just complicate things at this company, only they don’t give you that money back. In the end, this person stated that he had to ask the boss if they would return my money or not. And that I should come the next day for the money. Which I did and they gave me my money back. The other day, too, this woman complicated, only they didn’t have to return the money. The bus driver, however, argued that he did not understand me and when asked why he charged me the full price of the ticket if I showed inv. katico? But he replied that I showed up too late. Which, of course, he lied about. Because I always wear an invd. katica with me, where this is my only credible document that I am truly disabled. I showed him this document (inv. Card) and the annual city transport ticket at the beginning when I got on the bus. He even asked what it was and told me that this annual city ticket is not valid with them, even though we drove all over the city he also had several stops across the city. That it is a regional bus. Ok. I wonder why he needed two stops to hand me a ticket ??? Since I was too late that day I decided to go early the next morning. You won’t believe what happened to me the next day. With the same Postbus I only went second no. the bus was and with another driver. It was just Burlesque the next day!?!?!? ???Lp. Miro

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