Notfall Erwachsene

4.2/5 based on 5 reviews

Contact Notfall Erwachsene

Address :

Müllner Hauptstraße 48, 5020 Salzburg, Austria

Phone : 📞 +7
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City : Salzburg

Ulli Diwisch on Google

War mit meiner Mutter da wurden bestens betreut danke
Was there with my mother, were well looked after, thank you
Anna Huemer on Google

Kompetent, freundlich von der Anm. bis zu den Ärzten. ?
Competent, friendly from the note to the doctors. ?
Ela on Google

meine Mutter(79) würde um 21h mit Schmerzen im Brust und Herzbereich eingeliefert..Infarkt wurde ausgeschlossen doch die diensthabende Ärztin ließ es nicht auf sich beruhen und machte ein MRD um 1h früh stellte sich heraus das meine Mutter Lungenkrebs hat Es wurde sofort ein stationäre Aufnahme in der Onkologie den darauffolgenden Tagen wurden alle Untersuchungen Hand in Hand und schnellstens durchgeführt Leider keine guten Ergebnisse Aber durch das schnelle kompetente Handel des tollen Ärzte und Pflegeteam können wir jetzt eine Therapie beginnen..DANKE
my mother (79) was admitted at 9 p.m. with pain in the chest and heart area. Infarction was ruled out, but the doctor on duty didn't let it rest and did an MRD at 1am it turned out that my mother has lung cancer An inpatient admission to the oncology department was initiated immediately. In the following days, all examinations were carried out hand in hand and as quickly as possible Unfortunately not good results But thanks to the fast, competent trade of the great doctors and nursing team, we can now start therapy .. THANK YOU
Hanspeter Ziss on Google

Ein Dankeschön an die Rettung , sowei den Ärzten in der Not- Aufnahme , wie sich die ,nach meinen Schwindel Anfall u. hohen Blutdruck mit Brechreitz , um mich bemüht haben u. auch später in der " Doppler- Klinik die zwei Ärztinen ,Hut ab!!
A thank you to the rescue team, as well as the doctors in the emergency room, how they took care of me after my dizzy spell and high blood pressure with embarrassment and also later in the "Doppler Clinic the two doctors, hats off." !!
KarAnt Mar on Google

I went to the ER on Sept 26 at 4:30pm. The female ER doctor I saw was rude the minute I was wheeled in the room. I had someone from work with me who spoke German - thank God! She told me I shouldn't have come, she had other patients to see, my issue was not an emergency,, she was the only doctor there, and berated me in how I should have gone to a primary doctor instead. Every time I tried to answer her rapid fire questions, she cut me off and also answered 2 phone calls in the middle of me speaking. She was surprised to find that I lived in Salzburg (I'm from the US) and then asked where I lived, and said she doesn't know where my street is. Who cares and why does that matter? She was mad that she was the only doctor there. Then she said: I have to go upstairs and treat a patient who is bleeding and I hope they are still breathing. My Austrian colleague told her to apologize to me but she refused. I hope that someone from this hospital reads this and she is reprimanded - I was in room 34 at 4:30pm on Tuesday, Sept 26th.

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