neunerHAUS - dental practice for homeless people - Margaretenstraße 166

4.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact neunerHAUS - dental practice for homeless people

Address :

Margaretenstraße 166, 1050 Wien, Austria

Phone : 📞 +9999
Postal code : 1050
Website :
Categories :
City : Wien

Margaretenstraße 166, 1050 Wien, Austria
Michelo_08 on Google

Es sind gute und zuverlässige Ärzte anwesend doch die Wartezeiten sind ein Horror aufgrunddessen das sie dort viel zu viele Leute aufnehmen, einer hat mir erzählt er war Schmerzpatient und konnte 4 Stunden warten ... aber sonst sehr nette Leute die einem schon helfen !
There are good and reliable doctors present but the waiting times are a horror due to the fact that they accept far too many people there, someone told me that he was a pain patient and could wait 4 hours ... but otherwise very nice people who already help you!
Elli Mayrhofer on Google

Also nach dem heutigen Tag kann ich nur sagen.... nie wieder. Dass man mit bedürftigen so umgeht ist eine reine Frechheit. Da wird man nur angeschnauzt. Auf Angstpatienten wird überhaupt nicht eingegangen. Die eine Hand weiss nicht was die andere macht. Es wird null erklärt, man weiss im eigentlich gar nicht was überhaupt gemacht wird. Die Ärzte wissen nicht was der arzt bei der vorherigen Behandlung gemacht hat. Dann kommen dort abgesoffen Leute hin, im wc Bereich überall blutspritzer. Gestunken hat es dass einer Sau graust. Ich find's einfach schlimm wie dort mit einem umgegangen wird. Also ich war das letzte mal dort. So viel steht fest.
So after today I can only say .... never again. That one deals with the needy is a cheek. You just get snapped at. Anxiety patients are not discussed at all. One hand doesn't know what the other is doing. It is declared zero, you don't really know what is being done. The doctors do not know what the doctor did during the previous treatment. Then people get drunk there, blood splashes everywhere in the toilet area. It stank that a sow is horrified. I just think it's bad how they deal with you there. So the last time I was there. That much is certain.
Simone Glatz on Google

Ich bin total begeistert über die netten Mitarbeiter, alle sind sehr nett und freundlich! Mein Zahnarzt ist der Beste und ich danke Ihm,dass er mir so schnell geholfen hat und ich wieder schön lachen kann!!!! Danke an das Personal ?
I am very excited about the nice staff, everyone is very nice and friendly! My dentist is the best and I thank him for helping me so fast and for making me laugh again !!!! Thanks to the staff ?
24C 12B on Google

Inkompetentes Pack! Keiner macht seine Arbeit richtig und alle sind frech von der zahartzassistentin wollen wir garnicht mal anfangen( frech und grob) Hier wird jeder wie ein penner behandelt! Einfach nur unterste Schublade anscheinend arbeitet hier jeder gezwungener maßen und nicht aus Leidenschaft zu seinem job PLUS einen schmerzpatienten 2 Stunden warten zu lassen mit geschwollener backe obwohl man am Vortag angerufen hat und schon um 8 30 vor der Türe stand! Ihr gehört angezeigt alleine schon für den slogan
Incompetent pack! Nobody does his job properly and everyone is cheeky from the dental assistant we don't even want to start (cheeky and rough) Everyone is treated like a bump here! Just the bottom drawer, apparently everyone works here compelled and not out of passion for his job PLUS to have a pain patient wait 2 hours with a swollen cheek even though you called the day before and was at the door at 8:30 am! You already belong to the slogan
Ganz Anders on Google

Letztklassig. Nur 1 Zahnarzt welcher ohne sich die Handschuhe zu wechseln gleich den nächsten behandelt. Nachfrage nach dem Namen des Arztes: meinen Namen bekommen sie nicht!!! Letztklassig!!!! Nicht zu empfehlen!!!
Last class. Only 1 dentist who treats the next without changing his gloves. Inquiry for the name of the doctor: You won't get my name! Top notch !!!! Not recommendable!!!
kosai refai on Google

Great people , doing great things ❤️
Sivam Das on Google

Super friendly, highly professional. The best kind of persons, gives hope in humanity back. Thanks!
Tywyll Moon on Google

Genuinely helpful staff with amazing service. After losing my job and insurance, they treated my dental cavity and saved me from further pain and anguish. I can't thank them enough. They also treated me like a human being and didn't look down on me. I hope that I can help them in turn when I have the means. The dental receptionist is particularly helpful and cheerful. She has excellent communication skills and found her very empathetic to everyone she dealt with. I have a fairly good idea about this as I have had to visit the clinic recently on multiple occasions. All the staff really look after the people that ask for treatment. All the dentists who treated me on multiple appointments, were really kind and very experienced. I was so impressed by the level of expertise and care shown by the dental technicians and the dentists who volunteer there. After visiting this place and meeting the staff there I think that there is still hope and warmth left in this world. So if anyone who has unfortunately fallen out of the insurance system for various reasons beyond their control, and one needs medical or dental care, then look no further and ask the lovely people in NeunerHaus or Amber Med for help. The help is given to anyone irrespective of their nationality, race, citizenship, etc. The service is for people who are either homeless or dont have health insurance for some reason. Personally, I am indebted with the care they offered me and being out of pain means I can look ahead and try to get a health insurance through a job and the correct paperwork in place. I hope that in some way I can show my gratitude to NeunerHaus Staff and support their cause when I have the means to do so. Finally, a big thank you to the staff in Neunerhaus Dental Practice!!

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