Neuhofer Holz GmbH.

2.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Neuhofer Holz GmbH.

Address :

Haslau 56, 4893 Zell am Moos, Austria

Phone : 📞 +8
Website :
Categories :
City : Zell am Moos

Haslau 56, 4893 Zell am Moos, Austria
Миодраг Митић on Google

Izuzetno loša Organizacija, viljuškarista vrlo neprijatan i ne profesionalan. Zagarantovano čekanje na istovar više od 3 sata.
Extremely poor organization, forklift driver very unpleasant and unprofessional. Guaranteed to wait for unloading for more than 3 hours.
Lenard K on Google

Bútorlapokat hoztam ide, szinte azonnal le is szedtèk. A cèg már 3-4 km-rel előre ki van táblázva. Könnyű megtalálni. Segítőkèsz volt mindenki, de főleg a targoncás srác, ő nagyon jófej volt! ? Szèp lányok dolgoznak itt!!
I brought furniture sheets here, they took them off almost immediately. The company is already signposted 3-4 km in advance. Easy to find. Everyone was a helper, but especially the forklift guy, he was very good-natured! ? Nice girls work here !!
Antonio Kerin on Google

Velika neorganiziranost, neiskustvo i neznanje radnika na višoj poziciji. Nemaju osnovnih stvari za rad, poput noževa, rukavica i slično. Viljuškari bez servisa potpuno neispravni ( poput kamere koja ne radi za spuštanje materijala sa visokih stalaža). Gospodin Naser glavni šef dijeli pozicije ljudima bez ikakvoga radnog iskustva u takvim poslovima i znanja njemačkog jezika kao Team Leiter i voditelja smjene i slično. Isu spremni na radikalne odluke i promjene kod pojedinaca koji dođu sa znanjem voljom i iskustvom da nešto poboljšaju i promjene na bolje. Zapošljavaju doslovce na lijepe oči ljude i njihove bližnje iz obitelji koji čine kako se i osobno pohvalio 90% cjelokupnog personala radnici iz agencija bez iskustva koji rade šta hoce ( Mađari) koji se iživljavaju, omalovažavaju i sabotiraju ostalu radnu snagu druge nacionalnosti. Jako neozbiljna i neprofesionalna Firma. Izbjegnite za vaše dobro. Još bih puno toga imao za napisati ali mislim da je i to dovoljno da zdrav razum shvati o čemu se radi. Lijep pozdrav.
Great disorganization, inexperience and ignorance of workers in a higher position. They don’t have the basic things to work with, like knives, gloves and the like. Service trucks without service are completely defective (like a camera that doesn't work for lowering material from high racks). Mr. Nasser, the Chief Executive, shares positions with people without any work experience in such jobs and knowledge of the German language as Team Leiter and shift manager and the like. They are ready for radical decisions and changes in individuals who come with the knowledge, will and experience to improve something and change for the better. They literally employ people and their loved ones from the family who make up 90% of the entire staff of inexperienced agency workers who do what they want (Hungarians) who make a living, belittle and sabotage the rest of the workforce of another nationality. Very frivolous and unprofessional Company. Avoid for your own good. I would have a lot more to write, but I think that is enough for common sense to understand what it is about. Greetings.
Alexander Hechenberger on Google

Hatte ein kleines Problem mit einer Sockelleiste die ich im Hornbach gekauft hatte. Einmal angeschrieben und das Problem wurde anstandslos behoben. So Stelle ich mir sehr guten Kundenservice vor. Weiter so!
Had a little problem with a skirting board that I bought in Hornbach. Written once and the problem was solved without any problems. This is how I imagine very good customer service. Keep it up!
Matei Cosmin on Google

Te carga rapido !!! La salida es por la puerta de los coches pequeños ( Mirar La Foto !! ) Mercancia para LeroyMerlin
It charges you fast!!! The exit is through the door of the small cars (Look at the photo !!) Merchandise for Leroy Merlin
Olli Fern on Google

Bad place to work at because of missing social behavior.
Domas Domas on Google

Every time you come here, you wait for loading or unloading for 3-5 hours. This place is a joke, no respect for other people time. I recommend avoiding this company!
CC on Google

Guy in this warehouse office was extremely rude, disrespectful and arrogant. You should fire that kind of person because at the end they are representing your company name. Company should be ashamed of that kind of staff.

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