Musikhof Lexer

5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Musikhof Lexer

Address :

Liesing 11, 9653 Liesing, Austria

Phone : 📞 +7
Website :
Categories :
City : Liesing

Liesing 11, 9653 Liesing, Austria
Valerii on Google

Положительный: Отличный вариант соотношению цена-качество, добродушные хозяева, хороший завтрак,места парковки с навесом. Негативный: На моменте нашего проживания, дорога до горнолыжного спуска была разбита и надо было ехать в обход,что создовало неудобства.
Pusteblume_muc on Google

Positiv: Herzliche Gastgeber, sehr nette, persönliche Betreuung, einfach zum Wohlfühlen!. Negativ: Schwierige Erreichbarkeit, antworten auf Mails und Telefonate dauern. Als wir abends anreisten, standen wir trotz Anmeldung vor verschlossener Tür..
Margaretha Lexer on Google

Wunderschön präsentiert sich unser Haus mitten im kleinen Ort Liesing. Gäste des Musikhofs genießen den Komfort und die familiäre Atmosphäre. Kommen Sie vorbei und überzeugen Sie sich selbst.
Our house is beautifully presented in the middle of the small town of Liesing. Guests of the Musikhof enjoy the comfort and the family atmosphere. Come and see for yourself.
Matej on Google

Positive: very well, the family is very friendly..
Alessandro on Google

Positive: Breakfast (not included) was rich of homemade products..
Petradvor on Google

Positive: Everything was super,very very nice women and amazing breakfast :) :) :).
Sarah on Google

Positive: Everything was just perfect, from the amazing breakfast to the beautiful nature around. We definitely want to come back in the future, thanks again for your warm hospitality!.
Serova on Google

Positive: Great view from the balcony! Very friendly and nice hosts who were always ready to help. We enjoyed our stay a lot and would recommend it if you want to explore the locations nearby (there are many long and very beautiful hiking routes, amazing views from the mountains and generally pure nature)..

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