Museum Lauriacum - Hauptpl. 19

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Museum Lauriacum

Address :

Hauptpl. 19, 4470 Enns, Austria

Phone : 📞 +78
Postal code : 4470
Website :
Categories :
City : Enns

Hauptpl. 19, 4470 Enns, Austria
Bogdan Bădescu on Google

Muzeul este foarte bine amenajat, modern. Este structurat pe trei nivele cu foarte multe exponate din perioada romana si medievala. Cladirea in care este muzeul are vechime de cateva sute de ani. La parter este un magazin cu multe suveniruri si un punct de informare turistica de unde se pot lua gratuit harti turistice ale zonei. La etaj este o sala unde se vizioneaza un documentar despre perioada romana de la venirea lor in zona. Exponatele constau in arme, pietre funerare, statuete, ceramica, tehnologii de constructie, monetarie, sticlarie, pereti zugraviti, machete, harti, tehnologie digitala. In curtea interioara este desenata schematic harta zonei si se poate viziona usor de pe holurile de la etaj. Este accesibil persoanelor cu handicap, cu liftul sau pe scari. La parter este este si toaleta. Muzeul este inchis iarna. Vara organizeaza diverse evenimente cu tematica romana. Vizita poate dura cca. 2 ore.
The museum is well-appointed, modern. It is structured on three levels with many exhibits from the Roman and Medieval periods. The building of the museum is several hundred years old. On the ground floor there is a souvenir shop and a tourist information point where you can get free tourist maps of the area. Upstairs there is a hall where you can watch a documentary about the Romanian period since coming to the area. The exhibits consist of weapons, funeral stones, statues, ceramics, construction technologies, mint, glassware, painted walls, models, maps, digital technology. In the inner courtyard is schematically drawn map of the area and can be easily seen from the upper hallways. It is accessible to people with disabilities, lift or stairs. On the ground floor there is the toilet. The museum is closed in the winter. The summer organizes various events with the Romanian theme. The visit may take approx. 2 hours.
Gerald Netzl on Google

Sehr schönes modernes Museum in der ältesten Stadt Österreichs (1212)! Die Donau bildete die natürliche Grenze zu den Germanen im Norden.
Very nice modern museum in the oldest city in Austria (1212)! The Danube formed the natural border with the Teutons in the north.
M G on Google

Ich bin ja nicht so der Antikenfan, aber Sohnemann liebt Griechen und Römer, also haben wir Tagesausflug nach Lauriacum gemacht. Ich kann den Kollegen zu ihrem Museum nur gratulieren, ist rundum gelungen und äußerst sehenswert. Für mich eines der besten österreichischen Museen. Da können sich viele größere und berühmtere Mitbewerber definitiv etwas abschauen.
I'm not a fan of antiquities, but Sohnemann loves Greeks and Romans, so we went on a day trip to Lauriacum. I can only congratulate my colleagues on their museum, it is completely successful and extremely worth seeing. For me one of the best Austrian museums. Many larger and more famous competitors can definitely learn something from this.
Dominik Hagmann on Google

Super Museum ?
Stefan Schachermayer on Google

John Malmgren on Google

Interesting. Gives a great insight into Roman life in the outer regions. Some nice artifacts
Suvendu Das on Google

Founded in 1892, the Lauriacum Museum is the third oldest scientific museum institution in Upper Austria. It was awarded the Austrian Museum Prize in 1988 and is the bearer of the Austrian Museum Quality Seal. The first showrooms were located in the Meierhof of Ennsegg Castle, but the museum exhibits were already erected in 1898 by the concession of the municipality of Enns in the historic council hall in the former town hall in a worthy setting. After the resettlement of the district court, the Red Cross and the volunteer fire brigade from the former town hall a transformation of the vacated premises for museum purposes was possible starting from 1971. In view of the anniversary "800 years of city charter Enns" since autumn 2011 extensive alterations - including redesign of the entrance area and the cash office for sharing by museum association and tourist information office, new toilet facilities, reopening the original access to the council chamber, The Museum Lauriacum houses one of the most important Roman collections in Austria, which also enjoys international recognition. Since 2005 Dr. med. Reinhardt Harreither, archaeologist and historian, the Museum Lauriacum.
Lukas Troyer on Google

The museum itself is great but the app that you need for getting additional information is very bad. It's only available in German, needs constant internet access and needs to be restarted every few minutes.

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