Markus Braun Spirituosenkultur

5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Markus Braun Spirituosenkultur

Address :

Hirsbodenstraße 16, 2191 Schrick, Austria

Phone : 📞 +777
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Categories :
City : Schrick

Hirsbodenstraße 16, 2191 Schrick, Austria
Matthias on Google

Die Rum-Verkostung war ausgezeichnet und sehr professionell. Sogar ich als Rum-Kenner, konnte einige neue Dinge dazulernen. Sehr informativ & lustig! Gelungener Abend!
The rum tasting was excellent and very professional. Even as a rum connoisseur, I was able to learn a few new things. Very informative & fun! Successful evening!
Jürgen Atzlsdorfer on Google

Ich war bei einem sehr feinen Gin-Seminar, bei dem ich nicht nur außergewöhnliche Gins entdeckte, sondern auch viel über Geschichte und Herstellung erfahren habe. Die Gruppe war super, die Atmosphäre locker und entspannt, und keine Frage ist unbeantwortet geblieben. Wenn wieder neue Gins verkostet werden, komme ich sehr gerne wieder, ansonsten probiere ich gerne auch mal eine andere Spirituosenart. Der gemütliche Ausklang nachher hat auch noch dazu beigetragen, dass der Abend rundum gelungen war.
I was at a very fine gin seminar, where I not only discovered extraordinary gins, but also learned a lot about history and production. The group was great, the atmosphere was casual and relaxed, and no question went unanswered. If new gins are tasted again, I will be happy to come back, otherwise I also like to try a different type of spirit. The cozy end afterwards also contributed to the fact that the evening was an all-round success.
Christoph Strasser on Google

Markus Braun vermittelt in charmanter Manier alles, was es aus der Welt der Spirituosen zu wissen gibt. Dabei eignet sich eine Buchung von seinen Verkostungsseminaren an Hochprozentigem, insbesondere jenes für Whisky/Whiskey, auch hervorragend für Firmenevents. Er bleibt dabei um keine Frage verlegen und weiß mit einer spannenden Auswahl aus seinem Repertoire zu brillieren. Meine Empfehlung an einen Kenner!
Markus Braun conveys everything there is to know about the world of spirits in a charming manner. Booking one of his tasting seminars for spirits, especially those for whiskey / whiskey, is also ideal for company events. He is not embarrassed about any question and knows how to shine with an exciting selection from his repertoire. My recommendation to a connoisseur!
Christoph Pelzl on Google

Ich hab schon einige Verkostungen von Markus besuchen dürfen und er hat mir geholfen, meinen Horizont in Sachen Genuss zu erweitern. Mittlerweile weiß ich, dass Single Malt Whisky nicht der Nabel der Welt ist und es auch andernorts gute Destillate gibt.
I have already been able to attend a few of Markus' tastings and he has helped me broaden my horizons when it comes to enjoyment. Meanwhile I know that single malt whiskey is not the center of the world and that there are good distillates elsewhere as well.
Ivan Sipocz on Google

Excellent knowledge with very plesant style!!!
Anastasia Mastellou on Google

We had a virtual gin tasting with Markus and it was so much fun. Exceeded expectations and I totally recommend him!
Andrea Castillo on Google

We organized a virtual Gin Tasting with Markus. It was a real pleasure to work with him. From the organization until the delivery everything was perfect. He was very realiable and professional throughought the organization of the event. Customers were very happy of the content and interesting stories he delivered during the virtual session and of course of the high quality Gin samples he send to each participant. Highly recommended!
Will Young on Google

We were given a rum tasting by Markus as a present. He came to our home, and gave us a highly entertaining and informative evening, complete with presentation and 5 excellent sample rums to taste. The whole session lasted 2.5 hours and felt too short! We now know a lot more about our favourite drink than we did before, and are putting our knowledge to good use. A must for any rum-lovers in Austria!

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