Maria`s Engeln Personenbetreuung

5/5 based on 7 reviews

Contact Maria`s Engeln Personenbetreuung

Address :

Karl Albrecht-Gasse 7, 2632 St. Valentin-Landschach, Austria

Phone : 📞 +777977
Website :
Categories :
City : St. Valentin Landschach

Karl Albrecht-Gasse 7, 2632 St. Valentin-Landschach, Austria
Adi G. on Google

Wir sind sehr zufrieden!
We are very satisfied!
Karl Brettner on Google

Würde mich bei Bedarf wieder an "Maria`s Engel" wenden. Meine Erfahrungen mit "Maria`s Engel" sind äußerst positiv und ich kann sie nur wirklich weiterempfehlen.
If necessary, I would turn to "Maria`s Engel" again. My experiences with "Maria`s Engel" are extremely positive and I can only really recommend them.
Ancuta Balaban on Google

Recomand această agenție! Colaborez cu această agenție din anul 2016 si sunt foarte mulțumită. Nu se percepe comision când începi colaborarea.Nu sunt probleme cu salariul. Primeşti cât ți se spune pe zi +banii de drum +asigurările pentru luna in care lucrezi si pentru cea in care ești acasă. Agenția îți trimite o factură și familia te plătește conform acesteia. De când a început pandemia am primit și banii pentru testele pe care le-am făcut pentru a veni la lucru,datorită faptului că agenția a vorbit de la început cu familiile și a stabilit acest lucru. Când primești un caz ți se dă numărul de telefon al persoanei care lucrează deja acolo pentru a afla mai multe detalii. Am beneficiat de ajutor şi toate informațiile necesare din partea agenției când am fost bolnavă și am avut nevoie de concediu medical şi îi mulțumesc, din nou ,Adrianei pentru sprijinul acordat.
I recommend this agency! I have been collaborating with this agency since 2016 and I am very satisfied. There is no commission when you start the collaboration. There are no salary problems. You receive as much as you are told per day + travel money + insurance for the month you work and for the month you are at home. The agency sends you an invoice and the family pays you accordingly. Since the pandemic started, I have also received money for the tests I did to get to work, due to the fact that the agency spoke to the families from the beginning and established this. When you receive a case, you are given the phone number of the person who already works there to find out more details. I received help and all the necessary information from the agency when I was ill and needed medical leave and I thank Adriana again for her support.
Ernst Allabauer on Google

Ich bin mit der Maria's Engeln Agentur im Zusammenhang mit der Betreuung meiner Mutter schon einige Jahre sehr zufrieden.
I have been very satisfied with the Maria's Engeln Agency for a number of years in connection with the care of my mother.
Bettina Beisteiner on Google

Die Zusammenarbeit mit "Maria's Engeln" funktioniert rasch und zuverlässig. Innerhalb weniger Tage wurde eine Betreuerin gefunden, die mit den Anforderungen gut umgehen kann. Auch die zweite Betreuerin passt wunderbar und kann die Bedürfnisse gut abdecken. Ich bin über eine Empfehlung auf "Maria's Engeln" aufmerksam geworden und würde diese Agentur jederzeit weiter empfehlen. Vielen Dank für Eure wertvolle Arbeit!
The cooperation with "Maria's Engeln" works quickly and reliably. Within a few days, a supervisor was found who can handle the requirements well. The second supervisor also fits perfectly and can cover the needs well. I became aware of "Maria's Angels" through a recommendation and would recommend this agency to others at any time. Thank you for your valuable work!
J.Alexander Tschapka on Google

Wir benötigten vor 6 Monaten eine 24 Stunden Personenbetreuung. In 2 1/2 Wochen habe ich sehr viele telefonisch kontaktiert und 2 in einem persönlichen Gespräch. Marias Engeln wurde uns auch von Bekannten empfohlen. Es ist durchaus schwierig die Angebote und Leistungen einerseits zu vergleichen und andererseits die Akzeptanz der ausgewählten Personenbetreuerinnen durch die betreutePerson zu gewährleisten. Wir haben die Entscheidung nicht bereut, die vermittelten Personenbetreuerinnen entsprachen voll und ganz und die Leistung der Agentur in der Hochzeit von Corona war sehr gut. Wir sind sehr zufrieden, das Preis Leistuungsverhältnis ist auch ok
We needed 24 hour personal care 6 months ago. In 2 1/2 weeks I contacted a lot by phone and 2 in a personal conversation. Marias Engeln was also recommended to us by friends. It is quite difficult to compare the offers and services on the one hand and to guarantee the acceptance of the selected caregivers by the person being looked after on the other hand. We have not regretted the decision, the personal carers found corresponded completely and the agency's performance in the wedding of Corona was very good. We are very satisfied, the price-performance ratio is also ok
Gabi Grundner on Google

Unsere Mutter wurde während ihrer letzten Lebensjahre sehr gut, fürsorglich und äußerst liebevoll von den Pflegerinnen von Maria's Engeln betreut. Wir möchten auf diesem Wege unseren Dank aussprechen und können dieses Service nur empfehlen!
Our mother was looked after very well, caringly and extremely lovingly by the nurses of Maria's Angels during the last years of her life. We would like to take this opportunity to express our thanks and can only recommend this service!

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