Madehood - Erdbergstraße 48

5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Madehood

Address :

Erdbergstraße 48, 1030 Wien, Austria

Phone : 📞 +
Postal code : 1030
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City : Wien

Erdbergstraße 48, 1030 Wien, Austria
Christiane B. on Google

Das Softopening ist bereits sehr vielversprechend und macht Lust auf mehr! Definitiv eine Bereichung für die Umgebung.
The soft opening is already very promising and makes you want more! Definitely an asset to the area.
Willi Fried on Google

Schönes, modernes Ambiente, sehr freundlicher Kellner und wunderbares Essen! Ein Gaumen aber auch Augenschmaus, dank der beiden jungen, kreativen und engagierten Köche! TOP!!!???‍?
Nice, modern ambience, very friendly waiter and wonderful food! A palate but also a feast for the eyes, thanks to the two young, creative and committed chefs! TOP !!! ???‍?
caroline cao on Google

Une merveilleuse surprise ! L'endroit est beau, harmonieux, ouvert et chaleureux. Le service est pro et agréable (même si le serveur ne comprends pas très bien l'anglais et encore moins le français). Et surtout, surtout la nourriture est exquise. C'est plein de goût, très fin, gourmand en étant jamais écœurant. La soupe de topinambour cappuccino était délicieuse, ainsi que mon plat vege et le dessert.un délice de a à z !
A wonderful surprise! The place is beautiful, harmonious, open and warm. The service is professional and pleasant (even if the waiter does not understand English very well and even less French). And above all, above all the food is exquisite. It is full of taste, very fine, greedy while never being disgusting. The Jerusalem artichoke cappuccino soup was delicious, as was my vege dish and dessert; a delight from a to z!
Lizette N on Google

Letzen Samstag durften wir in den Genuss der neuen Must-See Location des 3. Bezirks kommen. Madehood überzeugt nicht nur mit seinem kreativen Konzept eines multifunktionalen Stores, der Kunstliebhaber wie Foodies auf seine Kosten kommen lässt - sondern auch mit seiner Liebe zu Details wie dem eigens für Madehood designten Gefäßen von lokalen Kleinunternehmen. Wer Speisen auf Hauben-Niveau mit hoch qualitativen Getränken gepaart mit einem Co-Working Space oder Kunstaustellung genießen möchte - ist hier genau richtig
Last Saturday we were able to enjoy the new must-see location of the 3rd district. Madehood convinces not only with its creative concept of a multifunctional store, which gives art lovers like foodies their money's worth - but also with its love for details such as the vessels specially designed for Madehood by local small businesses. If you want to enjoy top-quality dishes with high-quality drinks paired with a co-working space or art exhibition - this is the right place for you
Jasmin Ebraheim on Google

Sehr feine Küche. Haubenverdächtig! . Bietet Tagesmenue und/oder -teller an. Neu eingerichtet modernes Lokal. Bedienung sehr aufmerksam. Kaffee aus eigener Rösterei. Kurzum gesagt egal welche Tageszeit ob Mittag Jause oder einfach mal Kaffee ☕ hier findet Jeder seinen Geschmack
Very fine cuisine. Hood suspect! . Offers menu and / or plates of the day. Newly furnished modern restaurant. Service very attentive. Coffee from our own roastery. In short, it doesn't matter what time of day, whether it's a lunch break or just a cup of coffee ☕ everyone will find their own taste here
jean-michel Reboul on Google

New restaurant on my short list for the 3rd district. Food was delicious, the team is really friendly and quality/price is amazing.
ruth wolff on Google

As a new restaurant, I was very curious to try it out and was amazed at the quality of the food in terms of taste and presentation. The price for lunch including a soup, main course and dessert was very reasonable. Along with its hospitable and personal service, I can highly recommend Madehood.
Zarina on Google

I had my lunch here today, it was awesome! My vegetarian option was for 9,5€ (soup or salad and main) and I must say for this price the taste, quality and the way it is served is one of best I tried in Vienna! Totally recommend.

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