
3.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Kronenwirt

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Dompl. 8, 9342 Gurk, Austria

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City : Gurk

Dompl. 8, 9342 Gurk, Austria
Matteo Olivieri on Google

Tre stelle ma di incoraggiamento. Albergo in un piccolo paesino, caratteristico e un con un bel duomo. Soggiornato due notti per il gran premio di MotoGP di Zeltweg che dista un'ora. Non c'è la reception e vieni accolto da un bel gatto. Sin dalla strada si sente un odore di fritto non piacevole, ma poi non chiedetemi come, scompare una volta all'interno. Edificio datato, discreta sala pranzo con adiacente sala fumatori e circa una quindicina di camere. Queste sono pulite e ben tenute, ma gli asciugamani in dotazione sono perfetti per lo scrub, idem il lenzuolo sul letto, infatti abbiamo usato il piumino come spessore, letti però tutto sommato comodi. Abbiamo avuto qualche problema con la doccia che però ci è stata immediatamente sistemata, non c'è il phon. Cucina un po' scarsa, buona la carne e le colazioni abbondanti. Non prendete assolutamente vino, 25€ per del metanolo. Una ragazza parla inglese, ma c'è solo la sera e i proprietari parlano solo tedesco. Va bene per un soggiorno breve, basterebbe qualche piccolo accorgimento per migliorare il tutto.
Three stars but encouraging. Hotel in a small town, quaint and with a beautiful cathedral. Stayed two nights for the Zeltweg MotoGP Grand Prix which is an hour away. There is no reception and you are greeted by a beautiful cat. Since the way you feel a smell of fried not pleasant, but then do not ask me how, disappears once inside. dated building, discreet dining room with adjoining smoking room and about a dozen rooms. These are clean and well maintained, but the towels supplied are perfect for the scrub, ditto the sheet on the bed, in fact we used the duvet as a thickness, but overall comfortable beds. We had some problems with the shower but it was immediately fixed, there is no hairdryer. Kitchen a bit 'poor, good meat and hearty breakfasts. Do not take absolutely wine, € 25 for methanol. A girl speaks English, but there is only the evening and the owners speak German only. It's fine for a short stay, a few small steps would be enough to improve everything.
Peter Mansch on Google

Lange Wartezeit bei Bestellung, obwohl nur 4 Tische belegt. Kellnerin läuft planlos umher und nimmt Bestellungen von Gästen auf, die nach uns gekommen sind. Bitte und Danke sind bei ihr auch Fremdwörter. Für einen 2.Besuch von uns aus nicht mehr Wert.
Long waiting time when ordering, although only 4 tables are occupied. Waitress walks around haphazardly taking orders from guests who have come after us. Please and thank you are also foreign words to her. Not worth it for a second visit from us.
Hartmut Wagner on Google

Wir waren im Oktober im Kronenwirt und es war einfach super. Frühstück geht nicht besser, die Wirtin total Nett und freundlich und auch die Servicekräfte waren sehr freundlich. Wir kommen sehr gerne wieder zu Euch. Viele liebe Grüße aus Deutschland ( Strasburg M/V ).
We stayed at the Kronenwirt in October and it was just great. Breakfast doesn't get any better, the landlady was very nice and friendly and the service staff were very friendly. We would love to come back to you. Many greetings from Germany (Strasburg M / V).
Henri van de Laar on Google

We zaten al geruime tijd op het terras. Geen bediening? Ik loop roepend de hele benedenetage door op zoek naar een menukaart en bediening. Uiteindelijk bleek de bellende mevrouw, die even verderop op het terras zat de bediende. Ze had ons de hele tijd al gezien maar haar telefoongesprek was even belangrijker dan de klandizie. Weg hier!
We had been sitting on the terrace for quite some time. No service? Calling I walk the entire ground floor in search of a menu and service. In the end the calling lady, who was sitting a little further on the terrace, turned out to be the servant. She had seen us all along, but her phone call was just as important than the business. Get out of here!
Helmut Grill on Google

Wir hatten für 2 Nächte gebucht blieben aber nur eine Nacht. Grund war das unser Zimmer direkt über den Gastgarten gelegen war und darunter eine Grillparty mit lauter Musik stattgefunden hat. Nach meiner Beschwerde wurde die Musik zwar leiser gemacht war aber immer noch neben den grölen der Betrunkenen gut zu hören so das an Schlaf nicht zu denken war. Wir sind an Morgen abgereist. Entschuldigung seitens der Wirtin gab es keine. Kostenloses Frühstück gibt es übrigens auch nicht, 8,00 Euro pro Person wurde uns verrechnet.
We had booked for 2 nights but only stayed one night. The reason was that our room was located directly above the guest garden and there was a barbecue with loud music underneath. After my complaint, the music was turned down, but it was still easy to hear next to the roaring drunkards, so sleep was out of the question. We left in the morning. There was no apology from the landlady. Incidentally, there is no free breakfast either, we were charged 8.00 euros per person.
Antonín Bouda on Google

Leider Momente on Google

Seda Ozdemir F. on Google

Awesome meals! Especially Forelle is top. Additio ally they r selling home made marmelade schnaps and likors ???

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