Kindergarten Siegendorf

3/5 based on 2 reviews

Contact Kindergarten Siegendorf

Address :

Am Graben 21, 7011 Gemeinde Siegendorf, Austria

Phone : 📞 +878
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Categories :
City : Gemeinde Siegendorf

Am Graben 21, 7011 Gemeinde Siegendorf, Austria
Peter Bernhauser on Google

Dalia vojnic on Google

E ovako imam dosta toga da kazem! Prvi dan vrtica doneli dete vaspitacice nije ustala da se upozna sa detetom, (bez dočeka) posle par dana kazu nemoze da se donosi detetu uzina pilece meso u obliku dinosaurus i ciken nugets.. I to na stranu sve stavim nema veze ajde kad jedno jutro pred polazak u kindergarten kaze mi dete ja se bojim ja pitam čega jer te neko dira.. On nista nije odgovorio sagnuo glavu i place.. Ja ga odnesem taj dan u vrtic i pitam vaspitacice dali je sve uredu ona kaze Da!! Kasnije tog dana dodjem po dete i vidim kako ona vuče - trza moje dete za ruku! Katastrofa!!! Ja naravno poludela pitam zašto "ona odgovara pa nije me razumeo kako treba nesto da uradi.. Naravno dete je ispisano iz tog vrtica isti dan! Neki roditelji nisu zadovoljni sa njom ali moje dete nece trpitu nasilje nikakvo zato sto nije njihov( at) Molim sve roditelje da pricaju sa svojom decom i da se stane na put toj veštici!!! Zaobilazite Kindergarten u Siegendorfu pogotovo vaspitacicu MICHI!!!
I have a lot to say like this! On the first day of kindergarten, the teacher who brought the child did not get up to get to know the child, (without a reception) after a few days they say it is not possible to bring the child chicken meat in the shape of dinosaurs and cycen nugets .. And I put that aside, it doesn't matter, come on, when one morning before leaving for kindergarten, a child tells me I'm afraid, I ask what because someone is touching you .. He didn't answer, bowed his head and cried. I take him to kindergarten that day and ask the teachers if everything is okay, she says yes !! Later that day I come for the child and see how she pulls - jerks my child by the arm! Disaster !!! Of course I'm crazy I ask why "she answers so he didn't understand how to do something .. Of course the child was expelled from that kindergarten the same day! Some parents are not happy with her but my child will not suffer any violence because it is not theirs all parents to talk to their children and to stand in the way of that witch !!! Bypass the Kindergarten in Siegendorf, especially teacher MICHI !!!

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