Kinderarztpraxis Schumanngasse - Schumanngasse 84

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Kinderarztpraxis Schumanngasse

Address :

Schumanngasse 84, 1170 Wien, Austria

Phone : 📞 +8
Postal code : 1170
Website :
Categories :
City : Wien

Schumanngasse 84, 1170 Wien, Austria
Clara Thauerböck on Google

Seit 3 Jahren sind wir zufriedene Patienten in der Schumanngasse. Es gibt ein unglaubliches Angebot, für jedes Problem, Samstags + Sonntags oft Akutdienst. Wir sind rund um zufrieden und unsere Ärztin Dr. Gerstl ist wirklich besonders einfühlsam, kompetent und lösungsorientiert. Keine Sorge ist zu klein, mit viel Zeit und Geduld wird man hier behandelt. Wir und unsere Kinder sind sehr zufrieden!
We have been satisfied patients in Schumanngasse for 3 years. There is an unbelievable offer for every problem, often acute service on Saturdays + Sundays. We are completely satisfied and our doctor Dr. Gerstl is really particularly sensitive, competent and solution-oriented. No worry is too small, you will be treated here with a lot of time and patience. We and our children are very happy!
Cornelia Steiner-Nia on Google

Eine wirklich, wirklich tolle Kinderarztpraxis - ich bin so froh, sie entdeckt zu haben! Seit der Geburt meiner Tochter vor knapp einem Jahr sind wir wahnsinnig zufrieden. Ein super freundliches Team - von den Damen am Empfeng bis hin zu den Ärzt*innen - einfach toll. Ich habe IMMER sofort einen Akuttermin erhalten, auch am Wochenende. Die Termine sind zeitlich so konzipiert, dass wirklich genug Zeit ist um in Ruhe alles zu besprechen und zu untersuchen, die Atmosphäre und der Umgang mit dem Kind (und auch mit den Eltern :) ) ist wunderbar! Wartezeit ist auf ein Minimum beschränkt, falls man überhaupt warten muss. Wir fühlen uns rundum hervorragend betreut. Besonders toll ist, dass man direkt vor Ort zu Spezialist*innen kann - kein Herumfahren in der Weltgeschichte notwendig. Ein Dankeschön von Herzen an das Team der Kinderarztpraxis Schumanngasse!
A really, really great pediatric practice - so glad I found it! We have been incredibly happy since my daughter was born almost a year ago. A super friendly team - from the ladies at the reception to the doctors - just great. I ALWAYS got an emergency appointment right away, even on weekends. The appointments are designed in such a way that there is really enough time to discuss and examine everything in peace, the atmosphere and dealing with the child (and also with the parents :) ) is wonderful! Waiting time is kept to a minimum, if you have to wait at all. We feel excellently looked after all round. What is particularly great is that you can go to specialists directly on site - no traveling around in world history necessary. A heartfelt thank you to the team at the Schumanngasse pediatric practice!
Cordelia Essenther on Google

Das Team der Schumannpraxis ist einfach nur unbeschreiblich. Von den Ärzten angefangen bis - vor allem - zu den Empfangsdamen (und Herr). Sie sind immer freundlich, egal wie unfreundlich ihnen begegnet wird und sind unheimlich schnell und hilfsbereit und sehr bemüht. Gerne immer so weiter machen :).
The team at the Schumann practice is simply indescribable. From the doctors to - most importantly - the receptionists (and gentleman). They are always friendly, no matter how unfriendly they are met and are incredibly quick and helpful and try very hard. Happy to keep doing it :).
Ayurzana Badarch on Google

Designed for childrens.
Ariella Woolf on Google

Wonderful Drs, excellent care and personal approach. Couldn't ask to be in better hands.
Vlad Iorgulescu on Google

Liked it very much, nice people, very good doctor, we ll go again.
Michael Pirer on Google

One Time was too much already, maybe ok for People with a vaccinated kid. If not you will be lectured and humiliated there. Then later, it will be billed as "therapeutic talk". This Dr. Resch said if we don't believe in vaccination the trust is already destroyed. Yes, exactly. I don't trust that they know enough about the matter. And to react so to trust them. Read a book Dr. Resch.
Alexander Biedermann on Google

Very expensive! The urologist did not wear gloves when examining my daughter. The pH Test was made with stripes instead of digital pH-Meter. The result of the visit was useless. No test on bacteria or microbiologic analysis. My daughter had a very bad infection before, that I treated with Betadona and Bepanthen. Thank me. Due to the doctor: no treatment needed any more, no recipe, nothing. Just a bill. But that one was €150,-! I will not go there again. Private seems not always to be worth the money. I would never have charged that amount for max. 15 min. treatment.

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