Interior Design & Decoration Anastasia Reicher - Sonnenallee 110/2/4

5/5 based on 7 reviews

Contact Interior Design & Decoration Anastasia Reicher

Address :

Sonnenallee 110/2/4, 1220 Wien, Austria

Postal code : 1220
Website :
Categories :
City : Wien

Sonnenallee 110/2/4, 1220 Wien, Austria

Island -TV on Google

Очень круто работают. Рекомендую всем, кто хочет действительно профессиналов и эксклюзив!!!
They work very well. I recommend to everyone who wants really professional and exclusive !!!
Nataliya Omelyanovych on Google

профессиональный подход к разработке и реализации проекта, Выполнение всех работ в оговоренные сроки. Рекомендую!
professional approach to the development and implementation of the project, Execution of all work on time. Recommend!
Iryna Buchegger on Google

Мы общались по рекомендации и не пожалели. Мы недавно купили дом и обратились за помощью к Анастасии. То что получилось превзошло все ожидания. Очень советую!
We talked on the recommendation and did not regret it. We recently bought a house and turned to Anastasia for help. What happened exceeded all expectations. I highly recommend it!
Alex Gal on Google

От всей души рекомендую дизайнера помещений и интерьеров Анастасию! Уют и хорошее самочувствие. ПОЗИТИВНЫЕ чувства - вот основной результат её деятельности. Интерьеры создаются Анастасией всегда с учетом потребностей клиентов, поскольку у неё в наличии широкая палитра каталогов и контактов с непосредственными производителями мебели и предметов обстановки. На любой вкус и бюджет...
I wholeheartedly recommend the interior and space designer Anastasia! Comfort and well-being. POSITIVE feelings are the main result of her activities. Anastasia always creates interiors taking into account the needs of customers, since she has a wide range of catalogs and contacts with direct manufacturers of furniture and furnishings. For every taste and budget ...
Oksana Guzenko on Google

Best InteriorDesigner in Austria! love her work

We ,have given Anastasia very difficult task to design one of the rooms in our greek restaurant in Vienna,1030.The original idea was to create a small room in a classical baroque style according to our needs.The whole project wad accomplished very fast and in a very professional way.Since the refurbishment was done our special VIP room for 20guests is always fully booked and our guests are enjoying their lunch and dinner there very much!We want to say thank you another time to Anastasia and wish her success in the future! Restaurant “Ouzaki“ team and the managment of Milana Services GmbH. .

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