
3.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Hoferbauergut

Address :

Aigen-Voglhub 10, 5351 Strobl, Austria

Phone : 📞 +7
Website : http://www.hoferbauergut.at/
Categories :
City : Strobl
Description : Relaxed rooms, plus an apartment with a kitchenette, in a rural guesthouse featuring a lounge.

Aigen-Voglhub 10, 5351 Strobl, Austria
Anke Knapp on Google

Wir waren für eine Nacht zu Gast. Sehr nette Gastwirtin und saubere Zimmer, Frühstück ausreichend zum satt werden.
We stayed for one night. Very nice hostess and clean rooms, breakfast enough to fill you up.
Andreas Feierabend on Google

Was soll ich sagen.. Die Zimmer waren sauber und geräumig. Das Frühstücksbuffet reichhaltig.Geheimtipp sind die perfekten weichen Eier. Wir wurden von der Chefin herzlich empfangen. Immer nett und lustig. Liebe Monika bleib so wie du bist. Wir freuen uns auf ein Wiedersehen. Liebe Grüße deine Jungs der Firma Tschirk
What can I say.. The rooms were clean and spacious. The breakfast buffet is plentiful and the secret tip is the perfect soft eggs. We were warmly welcomed by the boss. Always nice and funny. Dear Monika, stay the way you are. We look forward to a reunion. Greetings to your guys from Tschirk
mexxdog1 on Google

Zimmer geräumig, sehr sauber... Alles da was man braucht. Frühstück sehr gut und umfangreich. Lage sehr gut zum Wolfgangsee. Hunde des Hauses sehr verschmust und völlig unproblematisch... Chefin sehr freundlich und entgegenkommend. Absolute Empfehlung. ?
Room spacious, very clean ... Everything you need there. Breakfast very good and extensive. Location very good to the Wolfgangsee. Dogs of the house very cuddly and completely unproblematic ... Boss very friendly and accommodating. Absolute recommendation. ?
pan jo on Google

Pobyt zde měl být splněným snem o báječné dovolené s přáteli. ovšem chyba lávky. Na poslední chvíli jsme s manželkou ještě přikoupili jeden den pobytu navíc. Když jsme přijeli, paní ubytovatelka se omlouvala, že nás dá na jednu noc do jiného, jak jsme pak zjistili velmi malého pokoje a druhý den se přestěhujeme do většího pokoje. Ráno jsme se p. ubytovatelkou npotkali u snidaně několikrát a pak ještě těsně před odjezdem na kola na celodenní výlet, nic neříkala. Po návratu v 16.50 řekla, že výměna pokoje nebude, že jiný nemá, že jsme ji měli dát ráno klíč. Aha, tak do 10.00 odvzdat klíč natahat tašky zpátky do auta, ve 14.00 se ubytovat. to snad ne? Zkrátka v onom malém pokoji jsme strávili zbytek dovolené, téměř pod balkonem máte hnůj, který je cítit. Byli jsme tři dvojice, objednávku jsem dělal půl roku dopředu na stejné 3 pokoje. Vše bylo jinak. Pokoj číslo 4 je nejméně 2x tak větší než pokoj č.1. Vše za stejné penize. Nízké hodnocení tohoto ubytování jsem bral na lehkou váhu, ovšem byla to chyba, něco pravdy na tom jistě je. J.K.
Staying here was supposed to be a dream come true about a wonderful holiday with friends. however, the footbridge error. At the last minute, my wife and I bought one more day of our stay. When we arrived, the landlord apologized for putting us in another night, as we found a very small room and the next day we moved to a larger room. In the morning we met the landlord at breakfast several times and then just before leaving for bicycles for a day trip, she said nothing. When she returned at 4.50pm she said there would be no room change, that no one else had that we should have given her the key in the morning. Ah, so by 10.00 hand over the key to pull the bags back into the car, at 14.00 to stay. isn't it? In short, we spent the rest of the holiday in that small room, almost under the balcony you have manure that can be smelled. We were three couples, I made an order half a year in advance for the same 3 rooms. Everything was different. Room number 4 is at least 2 times larger than room no.1. All for the same money. I took the low rating of this accommodation lightly, but it was a mistake, there is certainly some truth to that. J.K.
Ran Gingis on Google

The hospitality is just unpleasant, the owner smoke in the lobby and its make the room smells from cigarettes....so it's not recommend to non smokers... although the room was nice and clean. The view is fantastic
Damond Low on Google

I have stayed many guesthouses in various country, I must say that this is the worst I have ever experience. I must agree that the location of the GH is good, scenery is nice but these do not bring extra values because there are many similar guesthouses within proximity. The reasons why I grade the GH so badly is because: 1. The owner who is running the place personally has a very unique attitude towards the guests, especially so towards Asian. 2. This is a non- smoking GH but the owner n members smoke anywhere they like until the smell actually got into the rooms when the windows are opened. 3. The owner also manages a stable adjacent to the GH. The fragrant from the stable can be very irritating when the wind direction is right. 4. Every morning, we felt like having breakfast in the stable, especially so when the owner members brought with them the fragrant into the breakfast area. For those who still want to experience this unique GH, this is my advice: 1. Bring your own towel. This is because the GH does not change the towel even you left it on the shower floor (as per instruction in the shower room). 2. Bring your own hair dryer if you need one. This is because there is only one for all to share and you are expected to return after every use. Most importantly, you will get that attitude look and "sigh" everytime you ask for the hair dryer. 3. Bring your own boiler if you need hot water. 4. Buy your own drinking water if you dare not drink directly from the tap. 5. Report all damages the moment you checkin; even for blown bulbs that you do not use/need, torn towel that you do not mind, etc. 6. Last but not least, checkout the room together with the owner and ensure the owner accepts the room unless you do not mind receiving extra charges to your credit card after leaving the GH. Good luck to the risk takers. I will love Austria more if not because of this GH experience. DLow SEPT 2017
Kelvin Lim on Google

Horrible Stay for Asian..... I am a frequent traveler and have never encounter such a in-polite, zero hospitality. zero customer services and No-attitude Hotel Provider thus far. Just naming a few examples: 1. "No your rooms are no more available": Upon checking-in at 7:10 pm as we were late for 1 hour 10min being a stranger to Austria who got stuck in traffic, sudden custom check by police on highway which cause a jam and took time to view the nice scenario. 2. "No you cannot have extra people to stay": Although we offer to compensate extra money as the room (actually we already paid more for that room) were big enough to accommodate more. 3. "No you are not my guest. You cannot go up to your friend room": Shouted at my friend when he wanted to go to our room while we prepare to go out for dinner 4. "We are not a 5-Star hotel we don't wash your towels everyday": Despite having a sign in the toilet saying that throw your on towel on the floor if you want it wash. Unfortunately the "soiled & wet" towel was re-hung back when I return to the room late afternoon. I have to use that for that evening after being rejected to have a clean towel. 5. "No smoking in room": All the 5 rooms we booked have cig smoke smell because the provider and her family/staffs smoke freely in their ground floor office with their door open to the stairway connecting all the rooms above 6. "No.. cannot have breakfast before 8am and cannot go into breakfast room before 8am": Inflexible hence one of the days we have 5 min breakfast as we we rushing.... 7. "No we don't smile": The provider and her family never smile back even we greet them or try to smile back..... Lastly my advice to Asian.. Avoid this hotel... Stay at your risk... Rgds Kelvin Lim
Barbora Vlasova on Google

This place is not too bad, it is clean and decent. However as it is allowed in Austria, people can smoke inside and the whole place stinks terribly. The owner is not very helpful, the only advice we got about what to do around was to go to Wolfgangsee... I am sure it is nice, but giving a bit more info about the surrounding would not hurt. The attitude was poor, I came to breakfast 10 minutes before 8 and the owner came shouting something in German, that was very unpleasant. The fruit for breakfast was rotten.

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