German in Graz: German courses and exams ÖSD

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact German in Graz: German courses and exams ÖSD

Address :

Jungferngasse 3, 8010 Graz, Austria

Phone : 📞 +89
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Categories :
City : Graz

Jungferngasse 3, 8010 Graz, Austria
Meritxell Galindo Casas on Google

The teachers are good and engaging, and the students are collaborative. The only problem I found is that the intensiv classes in levels B2 and C1 are not divided into 2 levels (B2.1/B2.2 and C1.1/C1.2) so they try to enforce 2 months in one, and have the problem of having people with significant different knowledge in the same level/class.
Jovana Knezevic on Google

It is a nice place and a nice school, but so far I am not very happy about the methods being used. It would be nicer if the teachers are not changing during the courses (due to holidays or organizational problems). But it is very nice that they offer a lot of levels and lot of stating dates of courses during the year. Maybe I just did not have too much luck with teachers...
Moira S on Google

i will start with the positivity is that the place is clean and the teachers are nice and i did learn some german.theres very high technological screens and you can see money is spent to try and make this place nice. but- and thats a big but- the secretary is horribly rude, in a point you dont wanna see her and ofc you dont want to even go and talk to her. every week they will find a reason to give you a substitution teacher, which all she/he will do is to waist your time- either you going to read your homeworks for 2 hours(which normally should take 20 min) or they will spend your time on something else. in my cours and we had one substitution teacher which spoke so quick we didnt understand anything, and one which waisted so much time on irrelevant things, ofc this things make the group not finish the book(which is very important part of the learning cause thats mean basically we didnt finish the whole material for the lvl. you are very depended on the person sitting nextt to you, as you going to play in groups of 2 which is mostly just with the person next to you, so if you have someone with lower lvl of german you are gonna suffer, as all this games will frustrate you, its hard enought to learn the new material alone, and when you need to explain the material to someone else, in case you are not sure yourself, thats hard
Kiki Wang on Google

One of reception woman is really bad. Skinny , curly hair., brown skin.Very unfriendly and inpatient for questions, the attitude like only one German school can choose in Graz and client beg for that. And DIG is most expensive German school in graz, should have good service!! Not arrogant service!
Susmita Paul on Google

I have taken courses from the beginning level A1.Currently I am at B2.1 level. The teachers are very experienced and helps students personally with extra homework. They have always been supportive and are always ready to answer questions, address problems and encourage students to speak up. The reception desk always welcomes queries and suggestions. All in all, a fantastic value for money I would say.
Marco Allegri on Google

(ENG) I had a very positive experience at Deutch in Graz, the school is well organised and very well equipped (kitchen, common space, interactive boards, etc.), all the teachers are competent, helpful, and really passionate about what they do (obviously all the ones who assisted me, during classes and workshops). The staff at the reception is friendly and helpful, too. I found most of the classes quite stimulating and useful, the teacher tailored the classes according to the needs of the group, balancing grammar, speaking, reading and listening exercises and engaging us in different activities and games. Moreover, I met lots of new and interesting people with different backgrounds, stories and experiences! What else can I say? I really enjoyed my time here and, most importantly, I learnt a lot and improved my German! :) (DEU) Meine Erfahrung in DIG war sehr positiv, das Personal, die Lehrer und die Lehrerinnen sind sehr freundlich und hilfsbereit. Im Unterricht haben die Teilnehmer viel miteinander gesprochen, Grammatik geuebt, und Hoeruebungen und schriftliche Uebungen gemacht. Mein Lehrer hat fuer uns auch viele verschiedene Aktivitaeten und Spiele vorbereiten, darum war der Deutschkurs ziemlich anregend! Ich glaube, dass ich viel gelernt habe, und ich bin sehr zufrieden! Ich wuerde gern wieder anmelden! ;) (ITA) La mia esperienza alla scuola DIG è stata positiva, mi sono trovato bene con lo staff, gli insegnanti e i compagni. Gli insegnanti sono molto professionali e simpatici e, soprattutto, lavorano con passione. In classe abbiamo affrontato un po’ tutte le tipologie di esercizi, grammatica, conversazione, produzione scritta, comprensione di testi ed esercizi di ascolto. Il metodo di insegnamento è abbastanza vario e coinvolgente, infatti, spesso l’insegnante preparava test, attività o giochi per saggiare le nostre capacità e rendere le lezioni più stimolanti. Personalmente, sono molto soddisfatto e credo di aver imparato molto! (PS: la scuola è fantastica anche come strutture e materiale, sono a disposizione una cucina e una sala comune, forniscono libri e quaderni e le classi sono dotate di lavagne interattive multimediali!)
elsa raphel on Google

A great school at great location in the center of Graz ! The team Dig and their hospitality is so nice .Staffs are very friendly ,kind and patient. THANKYOU team Dig.
Iva Koupilova on Google

I attended B1 and B2 german courses in this amazing Sprachschule! Great teachers with a lot of experience, that they transfer to students. The language school provides also workshops for exams, online sessions and an online platform. As a plus they have very supportive staff! Absolute recommendation!

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