Evangelikal-Freikirchliche Gemeinde Falkenhofgasse Graz

4.3/5 based on 6 reviews

Contact Evangelikal-Freikirchliche Gemeinde Falkenhofgasse Graz

Address :

Falkenhofgasse 19, 8020 Graz, Austria

Phone : 📞 +7
Website : http://www.efggraz.at/
Categories :
City : Graz

Falkenhofgasse 19, 8020 Graz, Austria
Javad Aini on Google

Bernhard Fuchs on Google

Juvarotti on Google

Christoph Urch on Google

Lebendiger Gottesdienst ... freundliche offene Atmosphäre ... tolles Kinderprogramm für verschiedene Altersgruppen ... Etwa 200 Gottesdienstbesucher ... Gute Predigen ... Bibeltreue Auslegung ...
Lively worship ... friendly open atmosphere ... great children's program for different age groups ... about 200 worshipers ... good preaching ... Bible-based interpretation ...
Florian Egger on Google

Die Evangelikal-Freikirchliche Gemeinde Graz Falkenhofgasse ist eine lebendige und moderne christliche Gemeinde, die ihre Wurzel in der Bibel hat und in ihren persönlichen Glauben an Jesus lebt. Die Gottesdienste sind geprägt von alltagsrelevanten und bibelzentrierten Predigten, zeitgemäßer christlicher Musik und gemeinsamem Gebet. Hier bekommt man auch eine Simultanübersetzung ins Englisch, Farsi und Arabisch. Kinderbetreuung in jeder Altersstufe parallel zu den Gottesdiensten sind einfach klasse! Daumen hoch für diesen Einsatz!
The Evangelical Free Church of Graz Falkenhofgasse is a living and modern Christian community, which has its roots in the Bible and lives in their personal belief in Jesus. The services are shaped by everyday relevant and Bible-centered sermons, contemporary Christian music and common prayer. Here you also get a simultaneous translation into English, Farsi and Arabic. Childcare in every age group parallel to the services are simply great! Thumbs up for this assignment!
Chris Coats on Google

This is an evangelical church that preaches the Word of God and has freedom to worship the Lord Jesus Christ. This is a church with the vision to be a place of refuge and personal growth in their knowledge of Jesus Christ. The people are exceptionally friendly and show the love of Christ to each other and their community. There is also English translation in each church service to help the English speaking person to fully understand each sermon preached. Our family loves and misses this group of people.

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