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Contact Einsetz

Address :

8970 Schladming, Austria

Categories :
City : Schladming

8970 Schladming, Austria
Roman Plohl on Google

Lepa zgradba, ki se skoraj povsem izgublja v okolju poznejših bolj ali manj modernih zgradb. Tukaj so nekoč imeli svoje mrtve preden so jih pokopali. Torej je služila zgradba kot nekakšna mrliška vežica. O tem priča tudi napis nad vrati: »Na nobenem drugem mestu ne najdeš miru, po katerem si hrepenel in edino skozi ta vrata boš (lahko) vstopil v svojo (pravo) domovino«. Zelo lepo. Danes ta mrliška vežica ne služi več svojemu nekdanjemu namenu, ostaja pa pod spomeniškim varstvom. Vsekakor je lepo, da je očuvana.
A beautiful building that is almost completely lost in the environment of later more or less modern buildings. Here they once had their dead before they were buried. So the building served as a kind of mortuary. This is also evidenced by the inscription above the door: "In no other place do you find the peace you have longed for, and only through this door will you (be able) to enter your (true) homeland." Very nice. Today, this mortuary no longer serves its former purpose, but remains under monumental protection. It is definitely nice to have it preserved.

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