Eingang Tiefenbachklamm - Tiefenbachklamm

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Eingang Tiefenbachklamm

Address :

Tiefenbachklamm, 6234, Austria

Postal code : 6234
Website : https://www.tiefenbachklamm.com/
Categories :

Tiefenbachklamm, 6234, Austria
Lars Brockmann on Google

Sehr schöner Ort. Das beste, was Mutter Natur uns zu bieten hat.
Very nice place. The best that Mother Nature has to offer us.
Bernd Pucher on Google

Tolle Klamm etwas anspruchsvoll ,aber wunderschön
Great gorge, a bit challenging, but beautiful
Robert van Keeken on Google

Mooie klamm, jammer dat je niet echt een andere route terug kunt lopen, zonder een halve dag kwijt te zijn.
Nice clammy, too bad you can't really walk a different route without losing half a day.
robert heinkens on Google

Mooi klamm met meerdere watervallen. Leuke route heen en weer. Aan het eind van de route zit leuk tentje om wat te drinken en eten.
Beautiful klamm with several waterfalls. Nice route back and forth. At the end of the route is a nice tent to have a drink and eat.
nikkobia on Google

Canyon perfetto per camminata anche con bambini. Facile e sempre in sicurezza con vedute suggestive. Alla fine del percorso ristoro in riva al fiume con tanto di bagno x chi ne ha!
Perfect canyon for walking even with children. Easy and always safe with suggestive views. At the end of the path, refreshments by the river complete with a bathroom for those who have it!
Mari Anne on Google

Wunderschöne Klamm mit eindrucksvollen Blicken, Wasserfällen und Brücken. Sind ca. 2,5 Std hin und zurück gewandert, Parkplätze kostenlos.
Wonderful gorge with impressive views, waterfalls and bridges. Hiked about 2.5 hours there and back, free parking.
R J on Google

Menší parkoviště, ale zadarmo. Vstup taky zadarmo. Ze začátku se jde lesem kolem řeky, do soutěsky se dostanete až za nějaký čas chůze. Soutěska je celkem delší. Má krásnou vodu a moc hezké výhledy. Stojí za to vidět. Jde se přes řeku asi po 4 mostech. Bohužel to ukončení je divně značené a nebyli jsme sami kdo to řešil. Vyšli jsme na konci prudký kopec a dostali se na silnici, poté na zastávku a štěstí, že jel autobus, který nás svezl k autu. Jezdí jen 2 krát za den..
Smaller parking, but free. Admission is also free. From the beginning you walk through the forest around the river, you can get to the gorge in a while. The gorge is quite longer. It has beautiful water and very nice views. Worth seeing. You cross the river on about 4 bridges. Unfortunately, the termination is strangely marked and we were not alone in solving it. We went up a steep hill at the end and got on the road, then to the stop and lucky that a bus took us, which drove us to the car. It runs only 2 times a day ..
Griet Schauwers on Google

Nice walk. Ok for children, but not for strollers. It's about 4km( one way)to the restaurant, which is quite crowded. It's not a loop

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