Dr. Gerhard Walter

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Dr. Gerhard Walter

Address :

Herzog-Friedrich-Straße 6a, 6500 Landeck, Austria

Phone : 📞 +
Website : http://www.dr-walter.at/
Categories :
City : Landeck

Herzog-Friedrich-Straße 6a, 6500 Landeck, Austria
mirela bursic on Google

Chris 71 on Google

Betina Spiss on Google

annemarie Meme on Google

Rosmarie Matt on Google

Luka Jovicic on Google

Guter und netter Augenarzt.
Good and nice ophthalmologist.
Bianca Scherl, BSc on Google

Sehr netter & kompetenter Augenarzt. Vor allem auch die Assistentinnen sind immer sehr freundlich und zuvorkommend.
Very nice & competent ophthalmologist. Above all, the assistants are always very friendly and courteous.
Danut Hrab on Google

Ca electrician montez si doze in pereti de beton. Doar cateva secunde fara ochelari si betonul mi-a sarit in ochi. Am fost la doua spitale si ma declar nemultumit de spitale. La recomandarea doamnelor care lucreaza in farmacia din zona santierului (la 45 km de acest cabinetet, foarte multa lume si colegii îl recunosc in domeniul medical ca super specialist) mi-a recomandat ca la acest cabinet gasesc cei mai buni specialisti. Am sunat la ora 9 , foarte amabila, cu rabdare ma ascultat, a vorbil frumos si mi-a facut programare in aceiasi zi pentru ora 11. Am venit la acest cabinet. Personalul medical si doctorul, foarte amabili si foarte buni specialisti, sunt cei mai buni specialisti. Au foarte multi clienti, copii mici in brate la parinti, pana la oaneni in varsta. Toata lumea iese multumita. Mi-a consultat ochiul, medicamentele din reteta au efect foarte bun, mult mai bun efect fata de medicamentul de la spital (la.spital era un medic tanar fara exeprienta). La acest cabinet recomandat si recunoscut de la multi kllometri, Domnul Doctor are ani multi de experienta. Rezultatele sunt foarte bune. Deja ma simt mult mai bine si pentru maine ma chemat la consultatie sa imi vada ochiul. Nota 10. Mergeti cu incredere. completare dupa patru zile: Astazi dupa patru zile de tratament intens exact cum a zis Domnul Doctor (unguient, pauza o ora, picaturi pauza o ora) ochiul sa refacut perfect si maine merg la munca. Doresc sa multumesc Domnului Doctor si specialistilor acestui cabinet. Nota 10.
As an electrician, I also mount boxes in concrete walls. Just a few seconds without glasses and the concrete jumped in my eyes. I went to two hospitals and I am dissatisfied with the hospitals. At the recommendation of the ladies who work in the pharmacy in the construction site area (45 km from this office, a lot of people and colleagues recognize him in the medical field as a super specialist) he recommended that I find the best specialists at this office. I called at 9 o'clock, very kind, patiently listened to me, spoke nicely and made an appointment for me at 11 o'clock the same day. I came to this office. The medical staff and the doctor, very kind and very good specialists, are the best specialists. They have a lot of clients, small children in the arms of their parents, up to the elderly. Everyone is happy. He consulted my eye, the prescription drugs have a very good effect, a much better effect than the hospital medicine (at the hospital he was a young doctor without experience). At this office recommended and recognized by many kilometers, Mr. Doctor has many years of experience. The results are very good. I already feel much better and for tomorrow he called me to the consultation to see my eye. Note 10. Go with confidence. completion after four days: Today, after four days of intense treatment, exactly as the Doctor said (ointment, break for an hour, drops, break for an hour), the eye recovered perfectly and tomorrow I go to work. I want to thank the Doctor and specialists of this office. Note 10.

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