DDr. Christoph Sacher

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact DDr. Christoph Sacher

Address :

Tegetthoffstraße 15, 4020 Linz, Austria

Phone : 📞 +7
Website : https://www.dr-sacher.at/
Categories :
City : Linz

Tegetthoffstraße 15, 4020 Linz, Austria
Alicia Re on Google

keine langen Wartezeiten, sehr freundliches Personal, sehr netter und kompetenter Zahnarzt! so was findet man heutzutage nicht mehr oft! ;)
no long waiting times, very friendly staff, very nice and competent dentist! You don't find something like that often these days! ;)
Gabriele Wilmosch on Google

Ich bin termingenau aufgerufen worden, die Assistentinnen waren ausnahmslos sehr freundlich. Dr. Sacher Senior und Dr. Sacher Junior sind sehr patientnah, ich fühlte mich gut aufgehoben und gut informiert. Danke!
I was called on time, the assistants were all very friendly. Dr. Sacher Senior and Dr. Sacher Junior are very patient-friendly, I felt that I was in good hands and well informed. Thanks!

Solche Ärzte, ein integriertes und mehr als wunderbares Team, brauchen wir heute dringend. Ich wünsche Ihnen viel Erfolg, Sie sind das Beste .Grüße und besonderer Dank an Dr. Wagner.
We urgently need such doctors today, an integrated and more than wonderful team. I wish you every success, you are the best. Greetings and special thanks to Dr. Wagner.
Michael Steglehner on Google

Mich hat der Junior C. L. Sacher behandelt. Er ist der beste Zahnarzt, bei dem ich je war. DDr Sacher ist sehr nett, einfühlsam und wirkt überaus kompetent. Jeder Schritt wurde mir erklärt und er hat sich Zeit genommen jede meiner Fragen zu beantworten. Mit Termin hatte ich auch sehr kurze Wartezeiten.
Junior C. L. Sacher treated me. He's the best dentist I've ever been to. DDr Sacher is very nice, empathetic and appears extremely competent. Every step was explained to me and he took the time to answer each of my questions. With an appointment I also had very short waiting times.
M. S. on Google

Beste Betreuung durch den Herrn Dr. SACHER jun.und die netten Assistentinen. Zu 100 Prozent zu empfehlen! Mundhygiene- Betreuung 1A und die Kompetenz nochmal extra 5 Sterne?
Best support from Dr. SACHER junior and the nice assistants. 100 percent to be recommended! Oral hygiene care 1A and the competence again an extra 5 stars?
Walter Prutsch on Google

Absolute spitzenklasse,mir wurde ein zahn gerissen und nach cirka 15 sekunden war ich angstfrei aufgrund des gespräches mit dem hr.dr und seinem team,sehr einfüllsam!!auch die wundheilung perfekt-grosses lob!
Absolutely top class, I tore a tooth and after about 15 seconds I was free of fear because of the conversation with HR.Dr and his team, very filling!! The wound healing was also perfect - big praise!
Manuela Klein on Google

Kompetentes Team,kurze Wartezeit bei Termin ausführliche Informationen über Behandlung. Dr. Sacher hat eine beruhigende Ausstrahlung bei operativen Eingriffen. Solche Ärzte bräuchten wir mehr !! Vielen Dank
Competent team, short waiting time for appointment, detailed information about treatment. Dr. Sacher has a calming charisma during surgical interventions. We need such doctors more! Thanks very much
Jo de Mango on Google

Positive review: The dentists knows what he is doing, although sometimes he gets it wrong (like most dentists). But he has a bit of patience (like all dentists his patience is limited) and he does not mock the patient (like many dentists do) and if you get the correct staffs (most of his women helpers are nice but every now and then you get to be unlucky and pick the bad helpers) then you might be in good hands. He also gives you a choice at the beginning before making a final arrangement at another date to root canal (his favourite task) or any other thing. Negative review: The dentist has a negative side though. If you redecide not to take a certain operation at a later date, he puts a smug face and almost disregards your decision. So word of warning: you get to decide at the beginning, but you don't really get to decide because of the impatience and "bitchiness" you face in the end. He calms you down, but apparently he believes his words are the final ones when he tries to treat you in the end. He also expresses his discontent very easily if you do not go to him at a scheduled appointment a year after he made your treatment (I think this should not be the case because you can always decide to see another dentist within that year). Suggestion: Go to him for checkups. He might ask for a schedule for a root canal or tooth removal (esp. wisdom tooth). Don't schedule it if you are not sure if you want it, but you can always get the checkup and his "advise". And before you schedule a next appointment (the penultimate appointment). Think hard and if you'd rather pull out your tooth rather than have him root canaled/treated then either do it yourself (if its loose it will be easy) or go to the emergency dentists who will gladly pull it out. If you decide a root canal then you might take your chances with him. Conclusion: If the tooth really needs to be there in your jaws and be saved, he is your man. If it really needs to be removed (except for the wisdom tooth) or not removed as a wisdom tooth then he is NOT your man. He still may make mistakes although he is the best dentist out of the bad lots I've seen here (I've had failed root canals and fillings already by him, but there are worst dentists as well). In general dentistry is overrated and very pricey in Austria and unfortunately mythical-treatments (like pulling out a perfectly fine wisdom tooth that does never caused a harm) still exists all over the world.

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