Carnica Rafting - Kühwegboden 10

4.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Carnica Rafting

Address :

Kühwegboden 10, 9620 Kühwegboden, Austria

Phone : 📞 +88
Postal code : 9620
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City : Kühwegboden

Kühwegboden 10, 9620 Kühwegboden, Austria
Stefan Ritschel on Google

Wir hatten eine wunderbare Familien Rafting Tour. Rafting Boss Daniela hat mit vui Schmää die Einweisung gegeben. Auch die restliche Crew, v.a. die beiden Guides waren super. Topp organisiert, Spaß für Groß und Klein garantiert. Wir könnens nur weiterempfehlen.
We had a wonderful family rafting tour. Rafting boss Daniela gave the instruction with vui Schmää. The rest of the crew, especially the two guides, were great. Well organized, guaranteed fun for young and old. We can only recommend it.
Stefan Klein-Backes on Google

Heute mit meinem Sohn und ganz vielen anderen eine Rafting Tour auf der Gail gebucht. Von Anfang bis zum Ende absolut durch organisiert. Das Equipment wird natürlich gestellt. Neopren Anzüge und Schuhe,Schwimmweste und Helm. Die heutige Tour dauerte ca 70 Minuten und wurde hervorragend durchgeführt. Ganz großes Dankeschön an Daniela und Ihr Team. Alle superfreundlich. Wer in Kärnten Urlaub macht,unbedingt ausprobieren.
Booked a rafting tour on the Gail today with my son and many others. Absolutely organized from start to finish. The equipment is of course provided. Neoprene suits and shoes, life jacket and helmet. Today's tour lasted about 70 minutes and was carried out excellently. Big thanks to Daniela and her team. All super friendly. If you are on holiday in Carinthia, you should definitely try it out.
Markus Rubak on Google

Wir haben eine Family Tour gemacht. Sehr zu empfehlen. War richtig lustig in der schönen Umgebung des Gailtales
We did a family tour. We recommend. It was really funny in the beautiful surroundings of the Gailtal
Massimiliano Aldrighi on Google

Siamo stati ieri a fare questa esperienza con la Carnica Rafting, una giornata di rafting X famiglie; eravamo 2 famiglie con 4 bambini 2 di anni 4 e due di 11 anni, ci siamo divertiti un mondo, sia prima che durante la discesa del fiume, durante la quale abbiamo anche ingaggiato una battaglia navale, a colpi di mega gavettoni d'acqua di fiume, con le altre 2 imbarcazioni partite insieme a noi. La nostra guida era Klemen che parla abbastanza bene l'Italiano e che in ogni caso lì dove veniva meno qualche vocabolo si faceva capire benissimo in inglese. Un'esperienza molto molto bella, si sono divertiti tutti, sia i bimbi, anche i piccolini di anni 4, che i più grandi, ed anche noi adulti. Da non perdere l'esperienza del bagno nel fiume. È un' escursione che consiglio veramente di fare, ne vale la pena. Attrezzatura fornita tutta da loro e ben tenuta, pulita; organizzazione perfetta senza nulla lasciato al caso. Complimenti.
We were yesterday to do this experience with the Carnica Rafting, a day of rafting X families; we were 2 families with 4 children 2 of 4 years and two of 11 years, we had a lot of fun, both before and during the descent of the river, during which we also engaged in a naval battle, with shots of mega water balloons of river, with the other 2 boats that left with us. Our guide was Klemen who speaks Italian quite well and in any case where some words were missing he made himself understood very well in English. A very very nice experience, everyone had fun, both the children, even the little ones aged 4, and the older ones, and even us adults. Do not miss the experience of bathing in the river. It is an excursion that I really recommend to do, it is worth it. Equipment supplied all by them and well maintained, clean; perfect organization with nothing left to chance. Compliments.
Sonja Trauntschnig on Google

Ganz großes Dankeschön ans Team Carnica Rafting ? ihr habt uns ein supa lässiges und lustiges Abenteuer geboten. Wir hatten Spaß und werden euch gerne weiter empfehlen ?
A big thank you to the Carnica Rafting team ? you gave us a super casual and fun adventure. We had fun and will be happy to recommend you ?
Uli Persau on Google

Großes Lob an die tolle Organisation, den reibungslosen Ablauf, das absolut sympathische Team und DANKE an Daniela für den riesigen Spaß, den wir alle bei der Kanutour hatten!! ? Absolut empfehlenswert für jede Altersklasse!! ??
Big compliments to the great organization, the smooth process, the absolutely sympathetic team and THANK YOU to Daniela for the great fun we all had on the canoe tour! ? Highly recommended for every age group !! ??
Torsten Hempel on Google

Hier sind selbst 5 Sterne noch zu wenig, da man leider keine 7 Sterne und mehr vergeben kann ?. Es hat uns allen (2 Erwachsene und 2 Kindern) riesigen Spaß gemacht. Von Anfang bis Ende war alles sehr gut organisiert. Ich kann daher mit besten Gewissen, dieses mehr als kompetente Team empfehlen. Sollte es uns wieder mal Kärnten verschlagen, werden wir uns definitiv wieder für einen Besuch dorthin entscheiden. Kurz...mitmachen lohnt sich.
Even 5 stars are not enough here, because unfortunately you cannot assign 7 stars or more ?. It was great fun for all of us (2 adults and 2 children). Everything was very well organized from start to finish. I can therefore recommend this more than competent team with a clear conscience. Should we ever find ourselves in Carinthia again, we will definitely decide to visit there again. In short ... it's worth taking part.
maik werner on Google

Haben uns sehr spontan für eine Tour entschieden. Haben um 12 mit der netten Daniela telefoniert und kurze Zeit später saßen wir schon im Gummiboot. Es war wirklich eine sehr schöne Fahrt über die Gail mit einem freundlichen und kompetenten Team, welches uns betreut hat. Wir kommen gerne wieder. Gebe 6 von 5 Sternen?
We decided on a tour very spontaneously. Phoned the nice Daniela at 12 and a short time later we were already sitting in the rubber boat. It was really a very nice trip over the Gail with a friendly and competent team who looked after us. We would love to come back. Give 6 out of 5 stars?

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