Cafe Waldrauch

3.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Cafe Waldrauch

Address :

Hauptpl. 34, 2293 Marchegg, Austria

Phone : 📞 +8799
Categories :
City : Marchegg

Hauptpl. 34, 2293 Marchegg, Austria
PALI 24 on Google

Neodporúčam sa ani zastaviť. Starý marhuľový koláč, slabá káva, napriek kritikám majiteľ sa spolieha, že vždy sa niekto zastaví...ešte, že bociany boli excelentné s mladými v hniezdach...
I do not recommend stopping. An old apricot cake, weak coffee, despite the criticism the owner relies on always stopping ... still that storks were excellent with the young in the nests ...
Fredi Hahn on Google

Das Café ist seid Monaten geschlossen, also kann keine positive Bewertung erfolgen. Erwähnenswert ist, dass der Parkplatz als Wohnmobil Stellplatz genutzt wird. Kostenlos und ohne jeglichen Service aber trotzdem für die Region ein Gewinn.
The café has been closed for months, so no positive evaluation can be made. It is worth noting that the parking lot is used as a motorhome parking space. Free of charge and without any service but still a win for the region.
Maier Peter on Google

Selten so eine Spelunke in Österreich gesehen u.erst das Personal.In der Karte steht für einen halben Liter Mineral 2,60€ .Bekommen hab ich eine Flasche mit irgendeinen Zusatz 0,33 kassiert wurden aber 2,60€. Bin im Gastgarten gesessen,unfähiges Personal(scheint betrunken zu sein?) Dann noch kurz einen Blick ins Lokal gemacht,das hat gereicht:-(
Rarely seen such a dive in Austria and only the staff. On the card stands for half a liter of mineral 2.60 €. I got a bottle with some addition 0.33 but was 2.60 € I sat in the garden, incompetent staff (seems to be drunk?) Then took a quick look at the restaurant, that was enough :-(
Lubos Sklenar on Google

Kto pozná rakúske reálie, toho už hocičo neprekvapí. Niektoré veci sa proste v Rakúsku stávajú. Doteraz ma najviac prekvapilo, že na jednom obecnom úrade úradníčka fajčila v kancelárií a keď ste niečo išli vybaviť, napáchli ste a smrdeli ste akoby ste navštívili krčmu... Avšak, raz sme sa zastavili v tejto kaviarni a po pár rokoch som sa opäť nechal prekvapiť. Prišiel k nám čašník (barman, volajte ho ako chcete), ktorý bol na mol opitý. Škeril sa ako slniečko na hnoji, mal čudné poznámky, pri zadávaní objednávky sa smial, opakoval čo sme si objednali čudným hlasom, na cukor sa pýtal ešte čudnejším hlasom... Akože opitých ľudí som videl mraky. Postihnutých, ktorých postihnutie by sa javilo ako opitosť, zatiaľ ani jedného. Ak naozaj išlo iba o nejaké postihnutie, ospravedlňujem sa. Kávu nám doniesli, mierne podpriemerná. Neskôr prišiel čas platby. Nikto ale nechodil. Išiel som teda dovnútra k baru, nemáme predsa toľko času ako pán čašník, aby sme tam sedeli celý deň. Povedal som že chcem platiť. Čašník, vysmiaty ako slniečko, zavelil 6.40 EUR. Strčil som mu do ruky 10 EURovú bankovku. Náhle rázne zopakoval: 6.40! On si snáď týmto chcel požiadať o sprepitné? Vážne? Ja keď niekoho znechutím, tiež si od neho nepýtam peniaze. Tak som mu odvetil, že bohužiaľ mám iba 10 EUR. Nechal som si vydať, sprepitné bolo 0. Dávam 2 hviezdičky - a to len preto, že keby tam nebol ten opilec, je to za 3 hviezdy.
Anyone who knows Austrian life will not be surprised. Some things just happen in Austria. So far, I was most surprised that at one of the municipal offices the clerk smoked in the office and when you went to furnish something, you smelled and smelled as if you were visiting a tavern ... However, we stopped once in this café and after a few years I was surprised again. A waiter came to us (bartender, call him as you like), who was drunk on the pier. He grinned like the sun on the manure, had strange notes, laughed when placing an order, repeated what we had ordered in a strange voice, asked for sugar in an even stranger voice ... Like drunk people I saw clouds. Those affected whose disability would appear to be drunk, not yet one. If it was really just a disability, I apologize. Coffee brought us, slightly below average. Late payment time later. But no one went. So I went inside to the bar, but we don't have as much time as the waiter to sit there all day. I said I wanted to pay. The waiter, laughing like a sun, put in 6.40 EUR. I put a 10 euro bill in his hand. Suddenly he repeated: 6.40! Perhaps he wanted to ask for a tip? Really? If I disgust someone, I don't ask for money either. So I told him that, unfortunately, I only have EUR 10. I got married, tip was 0. I give 2 stars - and just because if the drunk wasn't there, it's 3 stars.
Wolfgang Zimmermann on Google

Der Cafe war okay, das Eis sehr gut. Die Kellnerin hat uns anscheinend akustisch nicht so wirklich verstanden und hat Ihren Kollegen rausgeschickt. Dieser war zwar freundlich und hatte Schmäh, war aber sichtlich sehr angetrunken (oder sonst wie verwirrt). Extrem lange Wartezeiten, da er anscheinend um jedes Getränk extra gehen musste um nicht durcheinander zu kommen. Es war zwar ein lustiges Erlebnis, dass wir aber nicht unbedingt nochmal haben müssen. Auch wegen der etwas hohen Preise. 2/5 Sternen
The cafe was okay, the ice cream was very good. The waitress apparently didn't really understand us acoustically and sent her colleague out. Although he was friendly and had a smile, he was obviously very drunk (or otherwise confused). Extremely long waiting times, since he apparently had to go extra for every drink in order not to get mixed up. It was a fun experience, but we don't necessarily have to have it again. Also because of the somewhat high prices. 2/5 stars
Selli D on Google

Meiner Meinung nach sehr unfreundliche Besitzer. Ich habe angerufen da ich etwas verloren hatte und nachfragen wollte ob der Gegenstand bei ihnen aufgetaucht ist... Von Anfang an wurde ich nur angeschrien sowohl von einem Herrn als auch von einer Dame im Hintergrund, danach wurde mir mit der Polizei gedroht weil ich ja die Frechheit besaß angerufen zu haben. Bevor sie aufgelegt haben (während ich noch etwas gesagt habe) wurde mir gesagt ich soll aber Eis kaufen kommen. Werde dieses Café nie in meinem Leben besuchen. Sehr unfreundlich, wenn ich könnte würde ich 0 Sterne geben. Selbst wenn die Besitzer stark alkoholisiert wären eine absolute Frechheit so mit möglichem Klientel umzugehen!!!
Very rude owner in my opinion. I called because I had lost something and wanted to ask whether the item had turned up ... From the beginning I was only yelled at by both a man and a woman in the background, then I was threatened with the police because I did had the cheek to have called. Before they hung up (while I said something else) I was told to come and buy some ice cream. Will never visit this cafe in my life. Very unfriendly, if I could I would give it 0 stars. Even if the owners were heavily drunk, it would be an absolute cheek to deal with possible clientele like this!
Michal Holan on Google

Prechadzali sme mestom a rozhodli me sa zastaviť na rýchlu kávu v “Stadtcafe Fam.Waldrauch” ... Bezproblémové parkovanie hneď oproti vonkajšiemu sedeniu s otvorenými slnečníkmi. Na prvý pohľad vyzeralo všetko v poriadku, čisté stoly, kľudné nedeľné poobedné námestie.. Príchod čašníka bol dosť pozoruhodný, robilo to dojem, že je trochu “indisponovaný”. Objednali sme si dve kávy a z priloženého ponukového listu aj zmrzlinový pohár, ktorý vyzeral celkom dobre - na obrázku, za cca 6 euro. Prinesený zmrzlinovy pohár sa ani zďaleka nepodobal vyobrazeniu a pri reklamácii u čašníka sme sa dozvedeli, že to čo sme dostali je v poriadku... Takže to všetko zúčtoval za cca 12 euro. Celú dobu chcel byť vtipný, boli to však dosť nemiestne komentáre.. Pri budúcom prejazde týmto mestom sa tu určite nezastavíme...
We walked through the city and decided to stop for a quick coffee in the "Stadtcafe Fam.Waldrauch" ... Easy parking right opposite the outdoor seating area with open parasols. At first glance, everything looked fine, clean tables, a quiet Sunday afternoon square. The arrival of the waiter was quite remarkable, the impression that he was a little "indisposed". We ordered two coffees and an ice cream sundae from the enclosed menu sheet, which looked pretty good - in the picture, for about 6 euros. The ice-cream sundae was not nearly like a picture, and when complaining about the waiter we learned that what we got is fine ... So he charged it for about 12 euros. All the time he wanted to be funny, but they were rather uncomfortable comments .. We will definitely not stop here for the next pass ...
Monika Trojanowska on Google

Delicious coffee. Fantastic ice cream

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