Biserica Penticostala Speranta Schalchen

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Biserica Penticostala Speranta Schalchen

Address :

Furth 70, 5231 Furth, Austria

Phone : 📞 +7788
Website :
Categories :
City : Furth

Furth 70, 5231 Furth, Austria
Estera lupancu on Google

Sebastian Gogota on Google

Gott hilf jeden
God help everyone
Mihai Adrian Manole on Google

Molto bella ,acogliente ,e buoni fratelli.
Very beautiful, keen, and good brothers.
Petru Bugnar on Google

Foarte bine
Very good
Finy Baldy on Google

Un loc în care cel trudit poate găsi odihnă pentru sufletul lui. Locul în care poți să te întâlnești cu Dumnezeu și să ai părtășie cu frații în Domnul. Până acum au fost câțiva ani de experiețe frumoase și credem că vom avea parte de mai multe pe viitor. Vă așteptăm cu drag la noi!?
A place where the hard-working man can find rest for his soul. The place where you can meet God and share fellowship with the Lord. So far, there have been several years of beautiful experiences and we believe that we will have more in the future. Welcome to us!!
Dan Curuta on Google

Missbrauch, Manipulation an Menschen und Kinder wird hier angeblich nach „Glaubensfreiheit“ ausgeübt, getrieben, ermutigt und von die Verantwortlichen Vorort zugelassen. Diese Bude handelt nur nach eigenen Interessen und handelt ebenso ohne etwas zu berücksichtigen, gedeckt nur von anders vor Staat verantwortete und dadurch gesicherte Autonomie.
Abuse, manipulation of people and children is allegedly exercised, driven, encouraged and allowed by those responsible on site according to "freedom of belief". This booth acts only according to its own interests and also acts without taking anything into account, only covered by autonomy for which the state is responsible and which is thus secured.
LostX On Droid on Google

Nicolae Antonel Uțiu on Google

You must go there

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