
3.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Amadeus

Address :

Kastnergasse 9, 1170 Wien, Austria

Categories :
City : Wien

Kastnergasse 9, 1170 Wien, Austria
Isma Sanz on Google

En un término general, es un residencia con lo justo para vivir (muebles, calefacción, cocina modesta). Tiene pisos individuales, para dos, o para grupos más grandes de personas Aparte de ello, dispone de una lavadora y una secadora, que por el módico precio de un token, (2.5€), puedes usar cada uno de ellos respectivamente. Básicamente, Amadeus es lo que dice ser: una residencia para estudiantes, con lo más básico, pero sin presumir de nada.
In general terms, it is a residence with just enough to live (furniture, heating, modest kitchen). Has single floors, for two, or for larger groups of people Apart from this, it has a washing machine and a dryer, which for the modest price of a token (€ 2.5), you can use each of them respectively. Basically, Amadeus is what it claims to be: a student residence, with the most basic, but without boasting anything.
Rainer Wahnsinn on Google

Als Bewohnerin des Nebenhauses kann ich sagen, dass sich die ständig wechselnden Bewohner unmöglich verhalten. Täglich (sowohl tagsüber als auch nachts), besonders in den Sommermonaten sehe ich mich einer durchgehenden Lärmbelästigung ausgesetzt. Diese geschieht auf einem nicht hinnehmbaren Lautstärkepegel und beeinträchtigt damit massiv die Lebensqualität vieler Bewohner umliegender Häuser. Speziell durch ihr lautstarkes Verhalten im Innenhof, welcher an zwei weitere Innenhöfe angrenzt, fühle ich mich belästigt. Zudem kam es öfters vor, dass auf der öffentlichen Straße vor dem Haus Fußball gespielt wurde (wobei keine Rücksicht auf parkende Autos gelegt wurde), Teller aus den Fenstern auf die Fahrbahn, auf die sich Amadeus-Bewohner legten, geworfen wurden und der Gehsteig mit Tischen und Stühlen zugestellt wurde, um zu feiern, wodurch das ungehinderte Passieren des Gehweges für Fußgänger unmöglich gemacht wurde. Ich frage mich, ob es in dieser Herberge keine Hausordnung gibt, an die sich diese schlecht erzogenen, wie Viecha verhaltenden Dinge, orientieren können. Mich wundert nicht, dass man hierzu im Internet keinen Verantwortlichen finden kann - da würde ich mich auch verstecken.
As a resident of the neighboring house, I can say that the constantly changing residents are behaving impossible. Every day (both during the day and at night), especially in the summer months, I am exposed to continuous noise pollution. This happens at an unacceptable volume level and thus has a massive impact on the quality of life of many residents of surrounding houses. I feel particularly annoyed by their noisy behavior in the courtyard, which is adjacent to two other courtyards. In addition, it often happened that football was played on the public street in front of the house (regardless of parked cars), plates were thrown out of the windows onto the lane on which Amadeus residents lay, and the sidewalk with them Tables and chairs were delivered to celebrate, making it unavoidable for pedestrians to cross the walkway. I wonder if there are no house rules in this hostel to guide these badly behaved things like Viecha. I am not surprised that there is no one responsible for this on the Internet - I would also hide myself there.
Rosario Castellana on Google

È uno sorta di studentato. Io sono stato ospite li per un Erasmus+. La struttura si trova a circa 30 minuti di tram da schottendor, dove si possono prendere tutti i mezzi per tutte le zone della città.
It is a sort of student residence. I was a guest there for an Erasmus +. The property is located about 30 minutes by tram from Schottendor, where you can take all means of transport to all areas of the city.
Emanuele Fanesi on Google

Sono stato lì un mese e devo dire che mi ha soddisfatto molto. Le camere sono tenute bene e lo spazio è ampio, la cucina deficita un pochino, ma solo per la mancanza di pentole adeguate talvolta. P.S.: la donna delle pulizie mi inquietava, parlava solo tedesco e polacco, e considerando il fatto che io mi trovassi là con la sola conoscenza della lingua inglese oltre alla mia, non è che mi sia stato proprio facile relazionarmi con la suddetta, in particolare quando mi litigó per un quarto d'ora buono riguardo la raccolta differenziata,mentre io annuivo e sorridevo.
I was there for a month and I must say that it satisfied me a lot. The rooms are well kept and the space is large, the kitchen lacks a little, but only because of the lack of adequate pots sometimes. PS: the cleaning lady worried me, she only spoke German and Polish, and considering the fact that I was there with only the knowledge of the English language in addition to mine, it wasn't that it was really easy for me to relate to the aforementioned one, in particular when he quarreled for a good quarter of an hour about recycling, while I nodded and smiled.
rekuper on Google

Täglich bis spät in die Nacht Geschrei und laute Musik. Unterhalten wird sich über 4 Stockwerke vom Fenster in den Innenhof. Schlafen kann man Nachts nur noch mit geschlossenem Fenster, da bis 2 Uhr früh laut herumgeschrien wird. Anzeigen wegen Ruhestörungen laufen ins Leere, da die Bewohner alle Monate wechseln und sich allgemein davon wenig beeindruckt zeigen. Traurig dass dieser Verein ordentlich gefördert wird, dafür, dass schlussendlich alle umliegenden Bewohner darunter leiden. UPDATE: Polizei anrufen (133) wegen Ruhestörung in Kastnergasse 9, Ruhe hält dann meist einige Stunden, manchmal sogar 1-2 Tage.
Shouting and loud music late into the night every day. The conversation takes place over 4 floors from the window in the inner courtyard. At night you can only sleep with the window closed, as people are shouting loudly until 2 am. Advertisements for disturbance of the peace come to nothing, since the residents change every month and are generally unimpressed. It is sad that this association is properly funded, for the fact that ultimately all of the surrounding residents suffer from it. UPDATE: Call the police (133) about disturbance of the peace in Kastnergasse 9, quiet then usually lasts a few hours, sometimes even 1-2 days.
Shakil Rahman on Google

Nice place
Mr Investor on Google

It was a nice play to stay with a lot of young people that shares my passions.
Sarah Jackson on Google

Rented through airbnb. Good price for the size but kitchen not too well equipped. Overall a good stay and well connected through the tram to schottentor from elterleinplatz.

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