Adria Cafe - Restaurant - Bundesstraße 11

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Adria Cafe - Restaurant

Address :

Bundesstraße 11, 8472, Austria

Phone : 📞 +9
Postal code : 8472
Categories :

Bundesstraße 11, 8472, Austria
Marin Anić on Google

Thomas Vandenabel on Google

Bof. Pas très agréable
Okay. Not very nice
Bata Savin on Google

Ćevapi su odlični. Prijatan ambijent sa dobrom uslugom i besplatnim Wi-Fi, pass: 81913787
Kebabs are great. Pleasant ambience with good service and free Wi-Fi, pass: 81913787
Mike NDH on Google

Sehr gute Ćevapćići Terasse auch schön gemacht
Very good Ćevapćići Terasse also nicely done
Velimir Vrzić on Google

Fenomenalni čevapi. Fenomenalno. Jedni od stvarno boljih koje sam pojeo. Svakako preporučam za 6€. Top kvaliteta i ukus.
Phenomenal čevapi. Phenomenal. One of the really better ones I’ve eaten. I definitely recommend for € 6. Top quality and taste.
Oliver Horn on Google

Als letzter Zwischenstop in Österreich, vor Slovenien ganz nett und günstig. Die Bewertung der Ćevapčići in einer vorhergehenden Rezession kann ich nicht nachvollziehen. Diese werden in einem ölgetränktem Weissbrot serviert und schmeckten nach Frittierfett.
As the last stopover in Austria, before Slovenia very nice and cheap. I cannot understand the assessment of the Ćevapčići in a previous recession. These are served in an oil-soaked white bread and tasted like deep-frying fat.
Zorka Ačko on Google

tom Ch on Google

Amazing traditional food ! Your mouth will water to the smells from the kitchen waiting for your order. I did not realize something so simple can be so tasty!

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