Zoo Lienz - Die Tierhandlung

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Zoo Lienz - Die Tierhandlung

Address :

Amlacher Str. 2, 9900 Lienz, Austria

Phone : 📞 +8789
Website : http://www.zoolienz.at/
Categories :
City : Lienz

Amlacher Str. 2, 9900 Lienz, Austria
Alexandra Rudigier on Google

Super mit ganz viel Liebe gestaltet!! Sehr viele Gehege mit vielll Liebe hergerichtet und super viel Platz die Schweine und die Zigengehege sind der HAMMER!!! Leider das Adler Gehege umso kleiner :( finde ich nicht grade Artgerecht!!! Die Rehe und Hirsche laufen frei sogar kleine mini Schweine mit Babys zum fressen süß <3
Super designed with a lot of love! A lot of enclosures prepared with a lot of love and lots of space, the pigs and the zig enclosures are awesome! Unfortunately the eagle enclosure is all the smaller :( I do not think that it is species-appropriate! The roe deer and deer run free even small mini pigs with babies to eat sweet <3
Maura Ds on Google

Un negozio molto completo per piccoli e grandi animali. Prodotti di qualità, commessa molto gentile.
A very complete shop for small and large animals. Quality products, very kind order.
Marina Caldwell on Google

Spitzenberatung! Fachliche Kompetenz bei Fischen, die ihresgleichen sucht. Sehr gute Beratung und Ehrlichkeit, die man sonst suchen kann. Fachliches Gesundheitswissen beim Kaninchen, welche man sogar selten beim RÖK Züchter zu finden muss! Kein sinnloses Geplapper aus dem Internet. Alle Daumen hoch! Bester Zoofachhandel, den ich je besucht habe!
Top advice! Technical competence in fish that is second to none. Very good advice and honesty that you can look for otherwise. Professional health knowledge in rabbits, which you rarely have to find at the RÖK breeder! No pointless chatter from the Internet. All thumbs up! Best pet shop I've ever visited!
Andrea Ferretti on Google

Proprietaria gentilissima, hanno i classici roditori, uccellini, pappagallini, pesci, un paio di tipi di gamberetti e qualche animale più esotico (ragni, rettili) .... in generale non tantissimi come quantità ma ..... sufficienti per rallegrare i bambini; naturalmente é necessario conoscere il tedesco ?
Owner very kind, they have the classic rodents, birds, budgies, fish, a couple of types of shrimp and some more exotic animals (spiders, reptiles) .... in general not many as quantities but ..... enough to cheer up the children; of course it is necessary to know German ?
julia huber on Google

Die Tiere werden in viel zu kleinen Käfigen gehalten und werden nicht gut gehalten.
The animals are kept in cages that are far too small and are not kept well.
Andrei Pap on Google

Animale de companie cam putine, dar foarte ingrijite. Articole bune, multe. Merita vazut, sau cumparat de acolo!
A few pets, but very neat. Good, many articles. Worth seeing, or bought from there!
mi mimi on Google

Was Futtertiere angeht leider katastrophal. Bestellungen werden versprochen. Treffen nicht ein. Werden vergessen. Leider wirklich unzuverlässig in dem Bereich. Wenn man in Osttirol Reptilien hält, und seine Tiere natürlich regelmäßig füttern muss, kommt man um Online Bestellungen dahingehend nicht mehr herum. Änderungen dahingehend wären wünschenswert!!! Ansonsten sauberes Geschäft.
As far as feed animals are concerned, unfortunately catastrophic. Orders are promised. don't meet will be forgotten. Unfortunately really unreliable in the area. If you keep reptiles in East Tyrol and of course have to feed your animals regularly, you can no longer avoid online orders. Changes to that effect would be desirable! Otherwise clean business.
Sara Paterson on Google

A really lovely girl helped us today. We were looking for a variety of things, for our two dogs, that were a bit different from the usual giant pet stores. I wish I knew her name because she gave us so much time just explaining various products. Thank you Zoo Lienz??✨??

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