XXXLutz Lager Villach

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact XXXLutz Lager Villach

Address :

Auenweg 3, 9500 Villach, Austria

Phone : 📞 +7
Website :
Categories :
City : Villach

Auenweg 3, 9500 Villach, Austria
Klaus Krämer on Google

Wir wurden freundlich bedient und fanden dank großer Auswahl, was wir wollten.
We were served in a friendly manner and found what we wanted thanks to a large selection.
Renato Di Luca on Google

Negozio molto bello e personale disponibile merita di andarci
Very nice shop and helpful staff deserves to go there
Johann Es on Google

Gut Auswahl und immer freundliches Personal. Preise sind ok.
Good selection and always friendly staff. Prices are ok.
Philipp Moo on Google

Großes übersichtliches Angebot. Neben Leiner das beste Möbelhaus in Villach.
Large, clear range. Next to Leiner the best furniture store in Villach.
Alfons Robatsch on Google

Ist ok wurde da auch gut beraten und informiert
It's ok, they were well advised and informed
Annalisa Maietta on Google

Negozio grandissimo e molto bello. Si possono acquistare oggetti per la casa, per l'arredamento a prezzi differenti. Lo consiglio specialmente per i regali.
Very large and very nice shop. You can buy objects for the home, for furniture at different prices. I recommend it especially for gifts.
robert achleitner on Google

Viel Auswahl, auch wenn im Onlineshop mehr Angebote vorhanden sind.
Lots of choice, even if there are more offers in the online shop.
Antonello Medoro on Google

Negozio di mobili e non solo a Villaco, Austria....Alla XXXLutz, la qualità va sempre di pari passo per creare un bellissimo ambiente . di trovano qualità come legno massiccio  prima classe e mobili in legno di pino regionale per un arredamento autentico. Marchi noti, sostenibilità e naturalezza:. Con le innovazioni tecniche, la casa diventa anche una casa intelligente in pochissimo tempo. Lascia che il negozio di mobili ti ispiri con i punti salienti della vita alla moda. Consulenza su misura Inoltre all'interno un ottimo ristorante con prezzi medio bassi....da visitare assolutamente....
Furniture shop and not only in Villach, Austria .... At XXXLutz, quality always goes hand in hand to create a beautiful environment. they find qualities such as first class solid wood and regional pine wood furniture for an authentic decor. Known brands, sustainability and naturalness :. With technical innovations, the home also becomes a smart home in no time. Let the furniture store inspire you with the highlights of fashionable life. Tailored advice Also inside an excellent restaurant with medium-low prices .... to visit absolutely ....

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