Tiroler Skischule Sport Aktiv Seefeld

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Tiroler Skischule Sport Aktiv Seefeld

Address :

Gschwandtkopf 702, 6100 Seefeld in Tirol, Austria

Phone : 📞 +9987
Website :
Categories :
City : Seefeld in Tirol

Gschwandtkopf 702, 6100 Seefeld in Tirol, Austria
Armin Haslwanter on Google

Sehr kompetente Skilehrer unkomplizierte Anmeldung richtig fein für meine Enkelin danke
Very competent ski instructors, uncomplicated registration, really nice for my granddaughter, thank you
Seb Ster on Google

Onze zoon Max is 3. Hij ging hier naar de skischool voor z'n eerste skilessen. Hij had de grootste lol en wilde iedere dag weer op de ski's staan. Na 3 dagen kon hij al zelfstandig remmen en braaf z'n bochtjes draaien. De lessen startte elke dag precies op tijd. Dus het is raadzaam op tijd bij de Skischool te zijn. Na het eerste uur was er een kleine pauze met wat te drinken, in de skischool. Er werd actief gekeken naar het niveau van de kinderen, ze worden ook tijdens de lessen in nieuwe groepen ingedeeld zodat ze er echt wat aan hebben. Leuke en ontspannen groep met instructeurs, waaronder ook Nederlanders. Leuk klein skigebied waar wij zelf lekker konden skiën en af en toe een blik op de kleine konden werpen.
Our son Max is 3. He went here to the ski school for his first ski lessons. He had the greatest fun and wanted to be on the skis every day. After 3 days he was already able to brake independently and braced his turns. The lessons started every day exactly on time. So it is advisable to be at the Ski School on time. After the first hour there was a small break with a drink, in the ski school. There was an active look at the level of the children, they are also divided into new groups during the lessons so that they really do something about it. Nice and relaxed group with instructors, including Dutch people. Nice small ski area where we could ski and could occasionally take a look at the small ones.
Armin Möller on Google

Nach weniger guten Erfahrungen bei einer anderen Skischule hier im Ort sind wir von Sport Aktiv absolut begeistert. Unserer Tochter hat der 5 Tage Kurs extrem gut gefallen. Die Organisation war perfekt und die SkilehrerInnen spitze. Es wurde sehr auf die jeweiligen Kinder eingegangen und trotz Gruppe durchaus individuell, je nach Notwendigkeit, betreut. Absolut Top und empfehlenswert. Danke!
After less good experiences at another ski school here in town, we are absolutely thrilled with Sport Aktiv. Our daughter really enjoyed the 5 day course. The organization was perfect and the ski instructors were great. There was a lot of attention given to the respective children and, despite the group, they were looked after individually as needed. Absolutely top and recommended. Thank you!
Christine Schmidt on Google

Nette Email Kontakte, toller Skilehrer. Unser Enkel hat in 3 Tagen viel gelernt und hat den Kurs gern besucht. Kommen nächstes Jahr wieder.
Nice email contacts, great ski instructor. Our grandson learned a lot in 3 days and enjoyed attending the course. Come back next year.
Madlen Bacher-Kail on Google

Die Skilehrer sind sehr nett und Hilfsbereit. Das war schon unser 2 er Skikurs und es gefällt meiner Tochter sehr. und sie ist schon super auf Ski unterwegs. Danke dafür und macht so weiter.
The ski instructors are very nice and helpful. That was our second ski course and my daughter really likes it. and she's already great on skis. Thanks for that and keep it up.
Carsten Berg on Google

Unser Sohn (5 J.) ist seit dem 2. Lebensjahr in den Winterurlauben in dieser Skischule gewesen. Die Skilehrerinnen Anna und Marie sind seither die Begleiterinnen unseres Sohnes welcher sich sehr wohl dort fühlt. Wir hoffen dass wir nächsten Winter wieder das Vergnügen haben dürfen !…
Our son (5 years) has been in this ski school on winter holidays since he was 2 years old. The ski instructors Anna and Marie have been our son's companions ever since, and he feels very much at home there. We hope that we can have the pleasure again next winter! ...
Anne Marie Newman on Google

Horrible school. Completely oversold. Too many kids in each group, too many groups. Instructors overwhelmed and lots of standing around waiting for the lift because of all the kids using one lift on a tiny and narrow hill. It‘s not the instructors‘ fault, the fault belongs to whoever thinks it is OK to put hundreds of kids in a limited space at a time. Clearly all about the money.
jay ralphy on Google

You get randomly assigned an instructor . Tremendous variation in training ans skill-set of instructors Some just bide time to get lesson finished. Very poor overall quality control and training If you're lucky you will get an instructor who not only skis or snowboards well but also has appropriate training to teach.

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