Tiefgarage Lerchenfelderstraße - Wien | APCOA - Lerchenfelder Str. 2

3.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Tiefgarage Lerchenfelderstraße - Wien | APCOA

Address :

Lerchenfelder Str. 2, 1080 Wien, Austria

Postal code : 1080
Website : https://www.apcoa.at/parken/wien/lerchenfelderstrasse-wien-apcoa
Categories :
City : Wien

Lerchenfelder Str. 2, 1080 Wien, Austria
Maria S. on Google

Car, fosc, sense ascensor. L’entrada i la sortida són estretes ja que hi han de circular dos vehicles. Vam aparcar el cotxe perquè necessitàvem posar-lo en algun lloc, vam veure que el dia complet eren 45€ però si pagaves mitjançant una app el preu diari era de 12,5€. L’aparcament no ens va fer bona pinta però el preu era un “regal”, ja que l’aparcament és força força cèntric. 4 hores més tard, vam intentar baixar-nos l’aplicació mòbil però no vam poder. Resulta que si no ets austríac l’app no funciona. Així que vam córrer a buscar una alternativa. La broma ens va costar 18€. Vam al·lucinar. És l’aparcament més car que hem pagat mai. Penseu-vos-ho molt abans de posar-hi el cotxe. Si disposeu de l’app, cal valorar si et compensa el preu. Per a nosaltres no.
Expensive, dark, no elevator. The entrance and exit are narrow as there are two vehicles. We parked the car because we needed to put it somewhere, we saw that the full day was € 45 but if you paid through an app the daily price was € 12.5. The car park didn't look good but the price was a "gift" as the car park is quite central. 4 hours later, we tried to download the mobile app but couldn't. It turns out that if you're not Austrian, the app doesn't work. So we ran to look for an alternative. The joke cost us € 18. We were amazed. It's the most expensive car park we've ever paid for. Think about it long before you put the car in it. If you have the app, you need to assess whether it will compensate you for the price. Not for us.
Michael Höfler on Google

Finster, nicht gut gewartet, schmutzig. Ansonsten hat alles mit der Flow App problemlos funktioniert! Preise bei Bezahlung via Flow App sehr günstig!
Dark, not well maintained, dirty. Otherwise, everything worked with the Flow app without any problems! Prices when paying via Flow app very cheap!
Pia-Patricia Porsch on Google

Die Garage gehört dringend saniert. Bodenmarkierungen sind keine mehr vorhanden, im Stiegenhaus kommt dir schon die Wand entgegen, Beleuchtung ist auch sehr schlecht - kurzum sie wirkt leider schon sehr heruntergekommen. Der Standort in Kombination mit dem APCOA Flow - absolut perfekt (daher auch die höhere Sternenanzahl). Das Türöffnen per App funktioniert tadellos auch die Kennzeichenerkennung. Jedoch erwartet man sich für den Preis schon eine gepflegtere Garage. Wie es mit der Auslastung aussieht kann ich aktuell noch nicht beurteilen (wird nachgereicht).
The garage urgently needs to be refurbished. Floor markings are no longer there, the wall is already coming towards you in the stairwell, lighting is also very poor - in short, it unfortunately looks very shabby. The location in combination with the APCOA Flow - absolutely perfect (hence the higher number of stars). Opening the door via the app also works flawlessly with the license plate recognition. However, one expects a more neat garage for the price. At the moment, I cannot assess how the workload looks like (will be submitted later).
Quad Corfu Adventure on Google

Diese Garage ist das letzte, € 4,50 für eine Stunde. Und dann sieht es noch in der Garage wie in einem verlassenen Gebäude aus. Sehr dunkel im Ausgang sucht man in der Finsternis nach dem Schalter. Der Putz fällt überall von den Wänden. Ich werde diese Garage in Zukunft sicher meiden.
This garage is the last, € 4.50 for an hour. And then the garage looks like an abandoned building. Very dark in the exit you look for the switch in the darkness. The plaster is falling off the walls everywhere. I will for sure avoid this garage in the future.
T.J. on Google

Parkhaus ist okay. Mit der kostenlosen App deutlich günstiger als Normaltarif. 7,50 Euro am Tag ist leichter veräppelt (Werbebanner), den es kommen noch 5 Euro für die Nacht, also für 24 Stunden 12,5 Euro, aber nur mit der App. Kennzeichen Erkennung funktioniert einwandfrei. Kein Aufzug vorhanden.
Parking garage is ok. Significantly cheaper than the normal tariff with the free app. 7.50 euros a day is easier to fool (advertising banners), because there are still 5 euros for the night, i.e. 12.5 euros for 24 hours, but only with the app. License plate recognition works perfectly. No elevator available.
Krisztina Peter on Google

good option to park here if you want go for a walk in center, however it is not cheap
dyrathror on Google

They didn't take any of my credit cards and by the time I came back with cash they charged 3.50 Euro more.
Magdalena Aschauer on Google

Decided to park here on Sunday, first of all we couldn't find the entrance to get back on the streets, all doors were labeled with "emergency exit"... We weren't sure if the signal would go of so we spend 15min finding an exit... After getting dinner we stood in front of closed doors and no way to get in... The ticket reader couldn't read our ticket and wouldn't let us in... We tried to call the support but couldn't get an answer for 30min until someone press the door open for us... 10/10 wouldn't recommend

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