Spirit of Mozart

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Spirit of Mozart

Address :

Imbergstraße 33A, 5020 Salzburg, Austria

Categories :
City : Salzburg

Imbergstraße 33A, 5020 Salzburg, Austria
Noam Freundlich on Google

Saibo Film (Saibofilm) on Google

Сергей Казаков on Google

красиво. это место Зальцбурга притягивает туристов в любое время года. Мост через реку, красивые дома, огромное количество кафешек. Можно пройти по набережной, подняться на гору к ресторану. С горы открывается фантастический вид на город. Можно пройти к музею, а если очень повезет, то послушать концерт симфонического оркестра. Должен выразить свое мнение, наверняка кто-то не согласиться, но делать в городе больше двух дней решительно нечего.
beautiful. this place in Salzburg attracts tourists at any time of the year. A bridge across the river, beautiful houses, a huge number of cafes. You can walk along the embankment, climb the mountain to the restaurant. The mountain offers a fantastic view of the city. You can go to the museum, or if you're very lucky, listen to a symphony orchestra concert. I must express my opinion, for sure someone will disagree, but there is absolutely nothing to do in the city for more than two days.
Sascha 1000 on Google

Kunst, die sich erst auf den zweiten Blick (nach oben) offenbart und zum Nachdenken anregt. War Mozart der Stadt entwachsen? Schaute er auf sie herab? Oder ist es einfach der erhöhte Thron, den man ihm hier gebaut hat?
Art that only reveals itself at second glance (upwards) and stimulates reflection. Did Mozart outgrow the city? Was he looking down on her? Or is it simply the elevated throne they built for him here?
Hanna Drori Kashi on Google

לא בטוח שתהיה לכם השראה של מוצרט אבל המקום יפה ביותר. לצד הנהר רואים את העיר היפהפיה. זה המקום שממנו יוצאים הסיורים - free walking tours . יש שם כמה כסאות שמאפשרים לך ליהנות מהנוף ואולי לעשות מדיטציה , אם בא לך...חלק מהנוף שרואים משם:
Not sure you will be inspired by Mozart but the place is very beautiful. Next to the river you can see the beautiful city. This is where the tours start - free walking tours. There are some chairs that allow you to enjoy the view and maybe meditate, if you feel like it ... Some of the view you see from there:
satya saraswat on Google

Beautiful place by river side
Michael Wexler on Google

A nice guide, did not update us much about Salzburg, but rather, information that can be found on any website or in brochures from the Tourist Information office
Gerhard “salzburgaustria” Reus on Google

I love this place. That's why it is the meeting point for my tours. See you there.

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