Skischule Gerlitzen - Filiale Klösterle

4.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Skischule Gerlitzen - Filiale Klösterle

Address :

Innerteuchen 60, 9543 Arriach, Austria

Phone : 📞 +7
Website :
Categories :
City : Arriach

Innerteuchen 60, 9543 Arriach, Austria
Rene Schneider on Google

Helmut Schmalzl on Google

Sehr freundliches Personal, perfektes Service! Empfehlung!
Very friendly staff, perfect service! Recommendation!
George Liner on Google

Ár/érték arány elfogadható. Nagyon jó parkolási lehetőségek. Közkedvelt!
Value for money is acceptable. Very good parking. Popular!
Apartments Barcode on Google

Odlična škola za djecu jer je često puno manja gužva nego na ostalim mjestima na stazi i imaju vučnice gdje nije potrebno čekati.
Great school for kids because it's often a lot less crowded than other places on the trail and has lifts where you don't have to wait.
Markus Ritthaler on Google

Sehr unmotiviertes Personal. Die ausgeliehenen Ski hatten keine Kantenbearbeitung wodurch das fahren auf Kunstschnee nur schwer möglich war. Die Reklamation kümmerte das Personal nur wenig. Preis-Leistungsverhältnis ist mehr als unzufrieden.
Very unmotivated staff. The borrowed skis had no edge processing, which made it difficult to ski on artificial snow. The complaint was of little concern to the staff. Price-performance ratio is more than dissatisfied.
Francesco Kallman Cenci on Google

Sono stato in fila per 1 ora per avere un paio di sci e dei bastoncini. Lo staff è totalmente disorganizzato (c'era chi non aveva alcun ruolo e faceva niente dietro al bancone). La mia fidanzata è inoltre stata sgarbatamente respinta da una commessa, e non si è capito per quale motivo. Il costo del noleggio per due giorni è stato di 45 €. Lo sconsiglio a chiunque come me, ha poca pazienza.
I was in line for 1 hour to get a pair of skis and poles. The staff is totally disorganized (there were those who had no role and did nothing behind the counter). My fiancée was also rudely rejected by a saleswoman, and it was not clear why. The rental cost for two days was 45 €. I do not recommend it to anyone like me, has little patience.
Michael Konrad on Google

Ein Stern ist noch zuviel. Uns wurde telefonisch versprochen das bei 8 Kindern 2 Skilehrer sind. Es waren dann beim Kurs 11 Kinder und ein Lehrer. Dadurch das der Kurs bereits bezahlt ist interessiert es dort auch keinen mehr wenn man sich beschwert.
One star is still too many. We were promised by phone that with 8 children there would be 2 ski instructors. There were 11 children and a teacher on the course. Because the course has already been paid for, no one is interested in complaining.
hanna h. on Google

Wir hatten unseren noch nicht ganz 3-jährigen Sohn in einer Skistunde bei Gerhard und er war einfach großartig!! Sehr liebevoll, geduldig und abwechslungsreich hat Gerhard unserem Sohn gleich den Spaß am Skifahren vermittelt. Unser Sohn war begeistert und wir auch. Gerhards Worte: „Der ist ja total tiefenentspannt!“. Vielen Dank für den tollen Einsatz ?
We had our not quite 3 year old son in a ski lesson with Gerhard and he was just great!! Very loving, patient and varied, Gerhard taught our son how to enjoy skiing. Our son loved it and so did we. Gerhard's words: "He's totally relaxed!". Thank you for the great effort ?

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