Police Station Pregarten

4.3/5 based on 7 reviews

Contact Police Station Pregarten

Address :

Tragweiner Str. 59, 4230 Pregarten, Austria

Phone : 📞 +9
Website : http://www.polizei.gv.at/ooe/lpd/dst/dienststellen.aspx%3Forg%3D317A6D4641486C664370733D
Categories :
City : Pregarten

Tragweiner Str. 59, 4230 Pregarten, Austria
Julian K. on Google

Gerhard Bauer on Google

Xsund Essen on Google

Lukas K. on Google

Herbert Britsch on Google

nette Cops!
nice cops!
Andreas Pillmayr on Google

Bauer moritz du hast da voll recht deiner meinung bin ich auch??
Bauer Moritz you are absolutely right, I agree with you??
Moritz Bauer on Google

Polizisten top ? aber moped fahrer (kann man auch mal in ruhe lassen ) de jungen Burschen und Mädels
Police officers top ? but moped drivers (you can also leave them alone) the young boys and girls

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