Marokkanerbrunnen - Marokkanergasse 6

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Marokkanerbrunnen

Address :

Marokkanergasse 6, 1030 Wien, Austria

Postal code : 1030
Categories :
City : Wien

Marokkanergasse 6, 1030 Wien, Austria
Gerald “Frostwolf” on Google

+ leicht zu finden + Wunderschöne Gravuren im Holzgiebel - muss ne Zeit lang gehen
+ easy to find + Beautiful engravings in the wooden gable - have to go for a while
Vít Chromek on Google

Kašna v maurském stylu s krásnou mozaikou. Dar Maroka městu Vídni. Poněkud zastrčená v bočních uličkách, ale stojí za to, si sem zajít.
Fountain in Moorish style with beautiful mosaic. Gift of Morocco to the City of Vienna. Slightly tucked in the side aisles, but it's worth coming here.
Stefan Krausse on Google

Der Marokkanerbrunnen ist ein Brunnen in der Marokkanergasse im 3. Wiener Bezirk. Das Geschenk von König Hassan II. war zur Vertiefung der Handelsbeziehungen gedacht.
The Moroccan Fountain is a fountain in the Moroccan Lane in the 3rd district of Vienna. The gift from King Hassan II was intended to deepen trade relations.
Acharon Hades on Google

Ein Bijoux an einem unvermutetem Ort. Der Brunnen strahlt Schönheit, Würde und Fröhlichkeit aus und belebt den Platz mit Exotik. Der Kontrast zu den Wiener Sozialbauten unterstreicht die Wirkung. Lesenswert ist die rechts stehende Tafel: Sie übersetzt den arabischen Text. Darauf steht unter Anderem: Euer Gott ist Unser Gott. Ist der Islam etwa doch nicht so böse, wie er bei uns beschrieben wird? Asalam Aleikum.
A bijoux in an unexpected place. The fountain exudes beauty, dignity and cheerfulness and revives the place with exoticism. The contrast to the Viennese social buildings underlines the effect. The right-hand panel is worth reading: it translates the Arabic text. It says, among other things: Your God is our God. Is not Islam as evil as it is described here? Asalam Aleikum.
Franco Palazzi on Google

Un po' nascosta in un quartiere tranquillo questa bella fontana (purtroppo senz'acqua il giorno che ci sono passato accanto durante una passeggiata) è un regalo che il re del Marocco ha voluto fare nel 1998 agli austriaci per celebrare i buoni rapporti tra i due paesi. Accanto alla fontana una tabella riporta la traduzione delle scritte in arabo che la decorano. Passando da queste parti vale la pena di fermarsi un attimo.
A little hidden in a quiet neighborhood, this beautiful fountain (unfortunately without water the day I passed it during a walk) is a gift that the king of Morocco wanted to give to the Austrians in 1998 to celebrate the good relations between the two countries. Next to the fountain, a table shows the translation of the Arabic inscriptions that decorate it. Passing by these parts it is worth stopping for a moment.
Boris Menič on Google

Very interesting piece of art.
Susi N on Google

Amazing cold water?
Salah Ed-dine Youmir on Google

Lovely moorish monuments in the heart of wien, showing the good relation between Austria and Morocco

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