Hartl Connect Transport - Au 17

3.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Hartl Connect Transport

Address :

Au 17, 6134 Fiecht, Austria

Phone : 📞 +9
Postal code : 6134
Website : http://www.hartlconnect.com/
Categories :
City : Fiecht

Au 17, 6134 Fiecht, Austria
Alex Filip on Google

? !
Florin Nicolae on Google

Acest loc este o școală firmă pentru cine dorește să devină șofer profesionist
This place is a firm school for those who want to become a professional driver
Ady Adrian on Google

Fără cuvinte, fără toalete si personalul lasă de dorit?? Normal ca unde sunt 2 romani sunt mulți, dar unde sunt 200 ???
Without words, without toilets and the staff leaves to be desired?? Normal as there are 2 Romanians there are many, but where there are 200 ???
Ionut Madalin on Google

Toalete fara hartie igienica, dusuri extrem de imputite, la masina de spalat trebuie sa stai la rand, la fel si la uscator, bucataria seamana mai mult cu o debara... urat
Toilets without toilet paper, extremely stinky showers, in the washing machine you have to sit in a row, as well as in the dryer, the kitchen looks more like a closet ... ugly
Silviu Negrea on Google

Clădirea, parcarea, grupul sanitar lasă de dorit. Plus ca nu ai unde sa te relaxezi sau sa mănânci civilizat. Unde este asa zisa bucătărie urla și mașina de spălat împreună cu uscătorul lângă masa. Parcare sparta netrasata.
The building, the parking lot, the sanitary group leaves much to be desired. Plus, you do not have a place to relax or eat civilized. Where is the so-called kitchen screaming and the washing machine along with the dryer near the table. Sparse parking.
Alexandru V Stanescu on Google

Salut tutror care intra pe pagina aceasta ,majoritatea intra aici inainte de a incepe meseria aceasta neavand idee cum se practica aceasta meserie. Mie,Hartl mi-a dat sansa sa conduc un ansamblu articulat cand nu aveam gram de experienta,asta se intampla in aprilie 2014. Garajul nu este la cele mai inalte standarde,sau nu era,doar strictul necesar,salariu foarte mic ca si al 2-lea sofer(incepator) 150e pe saptamana si 1200-1450 pe luna ca sofer titular . A fost o experienta frumoasa. Transportul era asigurat Timisoara-Vomp si retur ,per total eu sunt recunoscator si multumit dat fiind faptul ca ei mi-au oferit sansa sa conduc pt prima data un absamblu articulat,astazi nu mai stiu care e treaba cu" incepatorii" dar,la vremea aia ne-a fost de mare ajutor tuturor celor ce am dorit sa practicam aceasta meserie si nu aveam deunde sa incepem. Bafta tutor care au fost,care sunt si care vor fii ! Drumuri Bune!
I welcome everyone who comes to this page, most of them come here before starting this job, having no idea how to practice this job. Me, Hartl gave me the chance to lead an articulated ensemble when I had no experience, this is happening in April 2014. The garage is not at the highest standards, or it was not, strictly necessary, a very low salary 2nd driver (beginner) 150e per week and 1200-1450 per month as driver. It was a nice experience. The transport was assured Timisoara-Vomp and return, overall I am thankful and thankful given that they gave me the chance to lead for the first time an articulated abs, today I do not know what's the job with "beginners" but at the time that was a great help to all those who wanted to do this job and we did not have the start to start. Bafta tutor who were, who are and who will be! Good roads!
MCG Trans Cezary Zieliński on Google

Obcinają fracht za niedosłanie dokumentów w oryginale w terminie (nie ma szans udowodnienia terminu dostawy dokumentów, ponieważ austriacka poczta nie wpisuje statusu dostawy, mimo przesyłki z śledzeniem)
They cut the freight for failure to send the original documents on time (there is no chance to prove the date of delivery of the documents, because the Austrian post office does not enter the delivery status, despite the shipment with tracking)
Mateusz Naparty on Google

Problem with documents, no contact, impossible to get there by phone, a tragedy. I dont recommend at all.

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