Gasthaus am Wurzenpass

3.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Gasthaus am Wurzenpass

Address :

9587 Arnoldstein, Austria

Categories :
City : Arnoldstein

9587 Arnoldstein, Austria
Anatoliy Matviychuk on Google

Günstig und gut!
Inexpensive and good!
Alberta Kofler on Google

Minus Sterne gibs nicht Foto sagt alles
There are no minus stars Photo says it all
Alexandre Masson on Google

Très mauvaise expérience dans ce restaurant. En pleine après-midi, je me suis perdu lors d'une randonnée, et je n'avais plus d'eau, et pas d'argent... J'ai simplement et poliment demandé à remplir ma gourde, parce-qu'il me restait 2h marche au soleil ... l'unique serveur qui semble être le patron m'a pris par le bras , il m'a poussé dans les toilettes, pour que je remplisse ma gourde au lavabo, en me criant je ne sais quoi dans sa langue... c'est pas comme s'il était surbooké, il n'y avait que 2 ou 3 personnes qui buvait un verre sur la terrasse, personne dans la salle intérieure,... Et bien quand j'ai vu l'état désastreux des toilettes, j'étais bien content de ne pas avoir d'argent pour lui commander quoi que ce soit, je n'imagine même pas l'état de la cuisine s'il y a déjà autant de laisser-aller dans les toilettes.
Very bad experience in this restaurant. In the middle of the afternoon, I got lost during a hike, and I had no water, and no money ... I simply and politely asked to fill my bottle, because I had 2 hours walking in the sun ... the only waiter who seems to be the boss took me by the arm, he pushed me into the toilet, so that I fill my bottle at the sink, shouting I do not know what in his language ... it's not like he was overbooked, there were only 2 or 3 people who drank a drink on the terrace, no one in the indoor room, ... Well when j I saw the disastrous state of toilets, I was glad I did not have money to order anything, I can not imagine the state of the kitchen if there are already so many let go in the toilet.
Frank Ude on Google

Heute bei Unwetter mit mosunartigem Regen angehalten, Gasthaus offen, niemand hat auf Rufen geantwortet, Bike geparkt, zwischenzeitlich haben die Wirtsleute alle Türen verriegelt und die Lichter gelöscht... ! Unterirdische Drecksboazn!!! Minus 5 Sterne, pfui!
Stopped today in bad weather with mossy rain, inn open, no one answered calls, bike parked, in the meantime the innkeepers locked all doors and switched off the lights ...! Underground dirty boazn !!! Minus 5 stars, ugh!
Richard Landert on Google

Sehr zu empfehlen, aufgestellter und lustiger Wirt. Brozzeit war lecker und die Atmosphäre freundschaftlich.
Highly recommended, cheerful and cheerful host. Brozzeit was delicious and the atmosphere was friendly.
Matthias Stadlbauer on Google

Sehr tolles Wirtshaus. Sehr lustiger und aufgewekter Wirt. Brotzeit war sehr gut. Für mich als Bayer der gerne in urige Wirtshäuser geht genau das richtige. Leider war ich mit dem Auto da. Wäre gerne auf ein paar Bier sitzen geblieben.
Very great pub. Very funny and alert host. Snack was very good. For me as a Bavarian who likes to go to rustic taverns is exactly the right thing. Unfortunately I was there by car. Would have loved to sit down for a couple of beers.
Steffen Reinsberg on Google

Zwar Urig... aber der Wirt ist ein Herz und eine Seele.... für meine Familie ist es immer ein muss wenn wir in der Villacher Region sind. VG aus Südbrandenburg
Quaint ... but the landlord is one heart and one soul ... it is always a must for my family when we are in the Villach region. VG from southern Brandenburg
ermano piraccini on Google

Appena oltrepassato il "confine tra Slovenia e Austria ci nota subito sulla sx la baita in legno molto carateristica, il gestore annaffiava e curava i fiori, pascheggiamo le moto e ci sediamo, lui, il Gestore , viene da noi e ci approccia in sloveno, tedesco e italiano misto, vista la sua simpatia esiamo quasi costretti a mangiare qualcosa (ersa ora di pranzo) al sole, piatti fatti da luii molto appetitosi e caratteristici, acqua, caffè. Voto 7 per il vitto, 10 per la simpatia. TOP. Se ripasseremo ci fermeremo senz'altro.......
As soon as we cross the "border between Slovenia and Austria we immediately notice the very characteristic wooden hut on the left, the manager watered and cared for the flowers, we park the bikes and sit down, he, the Manager, comes to us and approaches us in Slovenian, German and Italian mixed, given his sympathy we are almost forced to eat something (ersa lunch time) in the sun, dishes made by him very appetizing and characteristic, water, coffee. Rating 7 for food, 10 for sympathy. TOP. If we go over we will definitely stop .......

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