Flatz GmbH

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Flatz GmbH

Address :

Funkenstraße 6, 6923 Lauterach, Austria

Phone : 📞 +789
Website : https://www.flatz.com/
Categories :
City : Lauterach

Funkenstraße 6, 6923 Lauterach, Austria
Александр Старусев on Google

Можно заблудится, но грузят быстро, дружелюбны.
You can get lost, but they ship quickly, friendly.
Zvezdan Velickovic on Google

Brz utovar u firmi dobar prilaz rampi za utovat
Fast loading in the company good access to loading ramps
Siarhei Tratsiuk on Google

Быстрая выгрузка, вежливый персонал. Нет парковки для ночлега, территория к вечеру занимается своим транспортом.
Fast unloading, polite staff. There is no parking for overnight, in the evening the territory is engaged in its own transport.
Ralf Priebe on Google

Einfach gut! Anmelder mit ladenummer dan zur Rampe fahren und warten bis fertig ist. Papiereholen und Abfahrt.
Simply good! Registrants with shop number then drive to the ramp and wait until it's done. Get your papers and leave.
Сергей EDYSHKA on Google

Выгрузили уже после окончания работы, адекватный персонал, все быстро, место хватает. заезжать через индастриалштрассе
We unloaded after the end of work, adequate staff, everything is fast, there is enough space. drive through industrialstrasse
Attila Tóth (Trilla) on Google

Nem kapkodnak a lerakással. 4:50 perc után kezdte el leszedni ami több mint 1 órát vell igénybe. Parkolni nem lehet,mobil wc van.
They don't rush to the dump. After 4:50 minutes he started taking it off which took more than 1 hour. Parking is not possible, there is a mobile toilet.
Zsolt Jubak on Google

3 különböző lerakóhely van. A werk 2 nagyon lassú. ( Akár több órát is várakozhat az ember,nem stresszelik magukat) Nagy cég,mégis egyszerre 1 kamiont tudnak lerakni.... A raklapos sátorba gyors a lerakás. Parkoló nincs,mobil wc van.
There are 3 different landfills. Werk 2 is very slow. (You can wait up to several hours without stressing yourself) Great company, yet they can unload 1 truck at a time .... The placement in the pallet tent is quick. There is no parking, there is a mobile toilet.
ernst krenn on Google

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